the weather is snowing. or the weather is snowy?

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the weather is snowing.

47 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • Whether the weather is snowing, raining, blowing a gale or a rare summer heatwave, it never fails to get us talking. Sheltering under an umbrella as the rain falls ...
  • ... Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu and part of the crew works Wed-Thu-Fri-Sat, changing the first Monday of every month. If the weather is snowing the days start at 4:30 AM.
  • Jan 9, 2015 ... A lot of cool sights can be found at night when the weather is snowing and blowing. We cut across the Deveaux Elementary School parking lot.
  • Jan 29, 2013 ... I haven't had the option of driving to work for about 15 years, so I just have the mindset that I ride no matter what the weather is. Snowing? I ride.

the weather is snowy

More popular!

413 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • The weather is snowy, which has made the roads slippery. At the end of the story, the slippery roads cause an accident. The accident is that one of the.
  • Some staff may arrive late if the weather is snowy and children must not be left unattended. · If it snows during the day and you feel your journey home will be ...
  • Kristin Sterling is a former elementary-school teacher and a curriculum product developer. She is also the author of the Communities series in First Step ...
  • Here you are my weather report: The weather is snowy, wet and windy. It's 9 degrees. I go skiing and snowboarding in winter. Put on your scarf and gloves!
A complete search of the internet has found that "the weather is snowing." is the most popular phrase on the web.

Last updated: June 11, 2015

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