the weather is chilly or the weather is cold?

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the weather is chilly

This phrase is correct and commonly used to describe a mild coldness in the weather.

This phrase is used to describe a slightly cold temperature in the weather, typically not as intense as 'cold.'


  • I need to wear a light jacket because the weather is chilly today.
  • The weather is chilly, but it's still pleasant for a walk.
  • She shivered in the chilly weather.
  • Despite the chilly weather, they decided to have a picnic.
  • The chilly weather made the hot chocolate even more enjoyable.


  • the weather is cool
  • the weather is brisk
  • the weather is nippy
  • the weather is crisp
  • the weather is fresh

the weather is cold

This phrase is correct and commonly used to describe a more intense coldness in the weather.

This phrase is used to describe a more intense cold temperature in the weather, indicating a significant drop in temperature.


  • I need to bundle up because the weather is cold outside.
  • The weather is cold, so we should stay indoors.
  • She wrapped herself in a blanket to stay warm in the cold weather.
  • Despite the cold weather, they went skiing.
  • The cold weather froze the lake solid.


  • the weather is freezing
  • the weather is icy
  • the weather is frigid
  • the weather is frosty
  • the weather is glacial
Both phrases are correct, but they convey slightly different levels of temperature. 'The weather is chilly' implies a mild coldness, while 'the weather is cold' suggests a more intense cold. The choice between the two depends on the specific temperature you want to describe.

Last updated: March 24, 2024

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