Trust no one or You can't trust anyone?

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Trust no one

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English, especially in dramatic or intense situations.

This phrase is a direct and emphatic way of expressing a lack of trust in anyone. It is often used in movies, books, or conversations to convey a sense of suspicion or caution.


  • In a world full of deceit, you have to trust no one.
  • After being betrayed multiple times, he decided to trust no one.
  • The motto of the spy agency was 'Trust no one.'


  • Don't trust anyone
  • Believe in no one
  • Have faith in no one
  • Rely on no one
  • Count on no one

You can't trust anyone

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English, especially in everyday conversations to express a lack of trust in people.

This phrase is a more general statement indicating a lack of trust in people in various situations. It is commonly used in everyday conversations to express skepticism or caution.


  • In this world, you can't trust anyone.
  • She learned the hard way that you can't trust anyone.
  • The wise old man once said, 'You can't trust anyone.'


  • Nobody can be trusted
  • No one is trustworthy
  • People are not reliable
  • It's hard to trust people
  • One should be cautious about trusting others
Both phrases are correct and convey a similar meaning, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'Trust no one' is more direct and emphatic, often used in a dramatic or intense situation. 'You can't trust anyone' is a more general statement, suitable for everyday conversations.

Last updated: March 15, 2024

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