to deepen or to study deep?

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to deepen

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8,880,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • We have to step up our activity in trying to deepen the relationship.
  • We also think that the Cancun ministerial conference ought to decide to deepen the discussions on voluntary labelling for environmental purposes.
  • Sometimes research institutes are invited to deepen specific aspects around city development.
  • The OMC helps to deepen mutual learning and has increased awareness of the multidimensional nature of exclusion and poverty.
  • Cohesion has been necessary to deepen the integration process.
  • And add some torches to the background to deepen the focus.
  • The meetings will allow an opportunity to deepen our dialogue and to discuss issues of mutual concern.
  • This might provide a way to deepen relations with the southern Caucasus region.
  • The crisis has underlined the need to deepen such economic policy coordination.
  • The Commission proposes to reinforce Member States' compliance with the SGP and to deepen fiscal policy coordination.
  • In 2001 the Eurosystem continued to deepen its working relations with central banks outside the European Union.
  • The ECB continued to deepen its relations with countries in the western Balkans.
  • The McMillan-Scott report rightly emphasizes the need to deepen interparliamentary relations between Europe and China in order to achieve greater mutual understanding.
  • In March 1995 the Association Council decided to deepen the political dialogue with Turkey.
  • An annual summit at presidential level would enable the Union to deepen its relationship with Moscow.
  • A discussion on the Green Paper will also be an opportunity to deepen the Leipzig Charter on Sustainable European Cities.
  • Both Participants will explore other opportunities to promote student and academic mobility and to deepen links between European and New Zealand counterparts.
  • So, professor, in addition to research I had requested, I allowed myself to deepen some topics and of course I brought entire bibliography... good.
  • We are already in contact with many of them and we will seek to deepen that relationship.
  • The Commission proposes to reinforce Member States' compliance with the SGP and to deepen fiscal policy coordination.

to study deep

63,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • The Commission shall submit to the European Parliament a copy of the report relating to the evaluation study on deep-water crab stocks scheduled for 2006.
  • The European Union is also providing EUR 50000 to fund an assessment study on deep-water crab stocks.
  • In addition, EUR 50000 is to be provided to finance an evaluation study on deep-water crab.
  • The Community will also provide financing of EUR 50000 during the year for an evaluation study on deep-water crab.
  • We are, therefore, financing research into cabin conditions under the Fifth Framework Programme and we are looking into how we can better support the studies into deep-vein thrombosis started by the World Health Organisation.
  • The Commission shall submit to the European Parliament a copy of the report relating to the evaluation study on 'deep-water crab' stocks scheduled for 2006.
  • The Texas Tower murderer opened my eyes, in retrospect, when we studied his tragic mass murder, to the importance of play, in that that individual, by deep study, was found to have severe play deprivation.
  • It is imperative that we introduce a ban on discards in deep-water fisheries as this would enable scientists to study with more precision the complex diversity of species being landed.
  • But despite the fact that it is a very good report which attempts to study each of the points relating to inequality of pay between men and women, today we are facing a deep-seated problem to which we see no solution.
  • This appropriation is intended to cover payments to fund a pilot project intended to study prevention of potential pollution from underwater waste landfills and to test methods to revive deep-water layers of the Baltic Sea.
  • Now you've heard of hydrothermal vents, but the other discovery is that deep below the sea floor, there is vast reservoir of microbial activity, which we have only just discovered and we have almost no way to study.
  • This appropriation is intended to cover the financing of a pilot project intended to study prevention of potential pollution from underwater waste landfills and to test methods to revive deep-water layers of the Baltic Sea.
  • Stresses the need to introduce a ban on discards in deep-water fisheries, which would enable scientists to study with more precision the complex diversity of species, many of theminedible, being landed;
  • Stresses the need to introduce a ban on discards in deep-water fisheries, which would enable scientists to study with more precision the complex diversity of species, many of theminedible, being landed;
  • And for me, this sort of deep and enduring fascination with sound is what led me to both be a surgeon and also to study the science of sound, particularly music.
  • - Ample opportunity to study it.
  • But you have to study what I do more carefully.
  • I guess I can teach you how to study.
  • Ancient scientists used it to study animal life.
  • Trying to study for finals next week.
A complete search of the internet has found that "to deepen" is the most popular phrase on the web.

Last updated: December 28, 2016

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