to have access or to having access?

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to have access

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when referring to the possession of the ability to use or enter something. It is the standard form in English.


  • I need to have access to the documents.
  • Students must have access to the library resources.
  • Employees have access to the company's database.
  • Do you have access to the internet at home?
  • She wants to have access to the gym facilities.


  • to possess access
  • to be able to access
  • to gain access
  • to obtain access
  • to secure access

to having access

This phrase is correct but less commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when the gerund form is required, such as in complex sentences or when emphasizing the ongoing nature of having access.


  • She is used to having access to the best equipment.
  • They are looking forward to having access to the new software.
  • In addition to having access to the building, they also have access to the parking lot.
  • He admitted to having access to confidential information.
  • The key to success is having access to the right resources.


  • being able to access
  • having the ability to access
  • possessing access
  • gaining access
  • obtaining access
Both 'to have access' and 'to having access' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'To have access' is more commonly used and is the standard form when talking about possessing the ability to use or enter something. 'To having access' is less common and is used in specific situations where the gerund form is required.

Last updated: March 19, 2024

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