into deep or in too deep?

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into deep

The phrase 'into deep' is correct and commonly used in English to indicate going deeply into something.

This phrase is used to describe the action of going deeply into a situation, topic, or experience.


  • She was into deep meditation when the phone rang.
  • He dove into deep thought to find a solution.
  • The team is into deep discussions about the project.
  • The company is into deep financial trouble.
  • The book takes you into deep exploration of the human mind.


  • deep into
  • immersed in
  • engrossed in
  • deeply involved in
  • submerged in

in too deep

The phrase 'in too deep' is correct and commonly used in English to indicate being overly involved or in a difficult situation.

This phrase is used to describe a situation where someone is overly involved or deeply entangled in something, often with negative consequences.


  • She realized she was in too deep with the wrong crowd.
  • He found himself in too deep with his gambling addiction.
  • They were in too deep to back out now.
  • The company is in too deep with its risky investments.
  • I think we're in too deep to find an easy way out.


  • overly involved
  • in a difficult situation
  • in over your head
  • in a bind
  • in a tight spot
The phrases 'into deep' and 'in too deep' have different meanings and are not directly comparable. 'Into deep' implies going deeply into something, while 'in too deep' suggests being overly involved or in a difficult situation. Therefore, the choice between the two depends on the intended meaning in the context.

Last updated: March 25, 2024

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