shouted for attention or shouted for silence?

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shouted for attention

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to describe speaking loudly in order to be noticed or heard.

This phrase is used when someone raises their voice to draw attention to themselves or a particular situation.


  • She shouted for attention when she saw the fire.
  • The teacher shouted for attention to get the students to quiet down.
  • He shouted for attention in the crowded room.
  • The child shouted for attention from his parents.
  • The speaker shouted for attention to make sure everyone could hear.


  • called out for attention
  • yelled for attention
  • cried out for attention
  • screamed for attention
  • raised their voice for attention

shouted for silence

This phrase is correct and can be used in English to describe speaking loudly in order to quiet or calm a noisy situation.

This phrase is used when someone raises their voice to try to make others stop making noise or to create a quiet environment.


  • She shouted for silence so she could concentrate.
  • The librarian shouted for silence in the library.
  • He shouted for silence during the meeting.
  • The teacher shouted for silence in the classroom.
  • The parent shouted for silence in the house.


  • called out for silence
  • yelled for silence
  • cried out for silence
  • screamed for silence
  • raised their voice for silence
These two phrases are opposites and convey different meanings. 'Shouted for attention' means to speak loudly in order to be noticed or heard, while 'shouted for silence' means to speak loudly in order to quiet or calm a noisy situation. They are not directly comparable as they represent different intentions.

Last updated: March 19, 2024

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