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owing to the fact vs due to the fact

Both 'owing to the fact' and 'due to the fact' are correct phrases in English. They are used to introduce the reason for something. 'Due to the fact' is more commonly used in everyday language, while 'owing to the fact' is a bit more formal.

Last updated: March 23, 2024 • 1311 views

owing to the fact

This phrase is correct but less commonly used in everyday language.

This phrase is used to introduce the reason for something in a more formal context.
  • Apart from that, you will be attracted by Mac internet filter owing to the fact that it is able to monitor multiple users, which are more cost-saving.
  • The Mac internet blocker can provide the best internet protection for Mac owing to the fact that it can work in the complete invisible and undetectable mode.
  • The Court of Auditors published its report last November and that report was considerably better than in previous years, owing to the fact that this time, the report cited percentages.
  • The colours have been splendidly preserved owing to the fact that the tapestries were carefully stored, rolled up and closed in when liturgy did not require them to be displayed over the high altar of the Holy Sacrament Church.
  • Possibly owing to the fact that the island only achieved independence recently, the political landscape is still highly polarised.
  • This is mainly owing to the fact that the EPC did not create a scheme for card payments, but rather a framework, which owing to its more general nature, leaves some room for interpretation.
  • In fact it succeeds in a very aggressive market, owing to the fact that the people participating in it work hard, and the money they receive represents no more than 1% of the turnover of farms.
  • Whatever of Apostolicity remains in these Churches founded by the Apostles is owing to the fact that Rome picked up the broken succession and linked anew to the See of Peter.
  • The accession of the new members of the European Union will overturn the current criteria and methods for maintaining the rural areas' internal balance, owing to the fact that the percentage of the rural population in the European Union will more than double this year.
  • Owing to the fact that trenbolone has powerful anabolic properties, it helps in the development of firm fibers and muscles.
  • Owing to the fact that many steps should rely on the keyboard, the keyboard is quite essential to both Mac and PC.
  • Owing to the fact that each of the parts had been marked and were traceable using machine vision, the supplier could track the faulty parts and limit the amount of product recall necessary.
  • This deserves special mention owing to the fact that European Union agricultural aid has several million beneficiaries.
  • It's all owing to the fact that these conditions are impermanent and unstable.
  • Possibly owing to the fact that my father chose to invest in 4% government bonds rather than on the backs of West Indian slaves.
  • Personally I always tend to contest the official version of events - without doubt this is owing to the fact that I grew up under fascism.
  • The owners of SME complain owing to the fact that the large companies balk to buy new products.
  • The final wonderful quality of Hora is its peace and tranquillity owing to the fact that its main centre is pedestrianised.
  • Children are a vulnerable group owing to the fact that their organisms are less robust and are biologically more sensitive to the presence of certain substances.
  • Hence, owing to the fact that the Company's fundamentals were healthy, France Télécom's situation cannot be compared to that of companies such as Vivendi Universal or Crédit Lyonnais.


  • due to the fact

due to the fact

This phrase is commonly used in everyday language to introduce the reason for something.

This phrase is used to introduce the reason for something in a more casual or everyday context.
  • I believe that the considerable success we have been able to see here is also due to the fact, Commissioner, that equal opportunities policy has been supported on several occasions by anti-discrimination legislation.
  • I can only assume it's a complication due to the fact he's a clone.
  • And, Doreen, your samples will have certain trace hormones due to the fact you're breastfeeding.
  • I didn't enjoy working on the internal combustion engines, just due to the fact you got so dirty.
  • Well, I had to memorize my essay due to the fact I was mugged by a gang looking for money and homework.
  • The big game this Friday has become even more of a rivalry due to the fact the Lions have set up camp here in Dillon.
  • Only figures for 2005 due to the fact it is a newly created Agency.
  • It is a combination, and that is also very much due to the fact of the economic crisis.
  • In particular, it must be ensured that no data could remain in the database longer than necessary simply due to the fact of a competent authority failing to close the case.
  • In the case of customs duties, this is partly due to the fact there is still insufficient cooperation between national customs authorities.
  • Only figures for 2005 due to the fact it is a newly created Agency.
  • This confusion is due to the fact this directive represents three different interest; i.e. authors and creative artists, consumers, who are also users, and producers and market makers.
  • Only figures for 2005 due to the fact it is a newly created Agency;
  • Only figures for 2005 due to the fact it is a newly created Agency;
  • In 2009 most of the sampled Union producers incurred losses, which, as explained above, were mainly due to the fact they started their production of the like product at that time.
  • In future, most countries will face a funding problem due to the fact of an ageing no means all the Member States have yet begun to address this problem.
  • Due to the fact it always leans toward the south.
  • Due to the fact, ladies and gentlemen, that the empire and its propaganda are so deeply engrained in our minds, we are losing sight of the most basic logic and even the most basic common sense.
  • As to the future ownership of Galileo post 2006, the House underlines that due to the fact the system will have been substantially paid for by public money, all assets should be transferred to the Supervisory Authority (under control of the Commission).
  • As to the future ownership of Galileo post 2006, the House underlines that due to the fact the system will have been substantially paid for by public money, all assets should be transferred to the Supervisory Authority (under control of the Commission).


  • owing to the fact

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