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resulting the fact that vs resulting the fact

Both phrases are not commonly used in English. The correct phrase would be 'resulting from the fact that'. 'Resulting from' is the correct preposition to use in this context.

Last updated: March 26, 2024 • 1072 views

resulting the fact that

This phrase is not correct in English. The preposition 'from' is missing.

The correct phrase should be 'resulting from the fact that'.
  • It is essential to avoid unnecessary disruption of payments resulting from the fact that SEPA migration is not fully completed by 1 February 2014.
  • The prolonged behavioural safeguards also neutralise the distortions of competition resulting from the fact that the divestment process has been delayed.
  • The higher status of the passage of text, resulting from the fact that it now appears as the new point 5b, is commensurate with its significance.
  • Or something less significant resulting in the fact that my father never meets my mother and consequently I'm never born.
  • Once the convention is in place it will be possible to avoid conflicts resulting from the fact that courts in different Member States arrive at contradictory decisions in the same cases.
  • The environmental benefits resulting from the fact that water and water only is produced during the oxidation of H2 in a fuel cell, justify the effort.
  • This aspect of the proposal entails returning funds to Member States resulting from the fact that, retroactively from 1 January 2001, they are allowed to keep a greater share of Traditional Own Resources (TOR) in collection costs.
  • This is an error, resulting from the fact that in Directive 96/97/EC point (i) consisted of two parts:
  • Finally, the ECB reviewed its legal framework and introduced, where necessary, amendments resulting from the fact that the Bank of Greece would be a fully participating national central bank as from 1 January 2001.
  • Complaints are increasingly being received from companies in the Netherlands about distortion of the internal market resulting from the fact that different rates of indirect taxes (for example, excise duties or VAT) are applied in the Member States.
  • And to claim that opening rail transport to the private sector will resolve the social chaos resulting from the fact that goods are largely transported by road is deceitful, to say the least.
  • €1,7 million to compensate for the negative impact in 2004 resulting from the fact that customers would need (gradually) to shift their waste streams to other facilities;
  • Although ABN AMRO N remained on an operational level a separate company, the Dutch State feared contamination resulting from the fact that markets might associate ABN AMRO N with its future owner Fortis SA/NV.
  • I believe that, given their special characteristics, resulting from the fact that they are a finite natural resource, they should continue to be given the same treatment as in the Uruguay Round, that is to say, they should be treated as sensitive products.
  • What measures has it taken or will it take to compensate for the reduction in food supplies resulting from the fact that food purchases are to be confined to surplus stocks?
  • What measures has it taken or will it take to compensate for the reduction in food supplies resulting from the fact that food purchases are to be confined to surplus stocks?
  • What action will the Commission take to alleviate the distortions in the fisheries sector resulting from the fact that the regulation is not applicable to Turkey?
  • How does the Commission intend to assist the Member States in dealing with the problems resulting from the fact that in Article 12(1)(d) of the Habitats Directive the word 'deliberate' is missing?
  • sampling error: this typically refers to errors resulting from the fact that a sample of units was observed rather than the entire set of units under study.
  • sampling errors: these typically refer to errors resulting from the fact that a sample of units was observed rather than the entire set of units under study.


  • resulting from the fact that

resulting the fact

This phrase is not correct in English. It lacks the necessary preposition 'from'.

The correct phrase should be 'resulting from the fact'.
  • It is essential to avoid unnecessary disruption of payments resulting from the fact that SEPA migration is not fully completed by 1 February 2014.
  • The prolonged behavioural safeguards also neutralise the distortions of competition resulting from the fact that the divestment process has been delayed.
  • The higher status of the passage of text, resulting from the fact that it now appears as the new point 5b, is commensurate with its significance.
  • Or something less significant resulting in the fact that my father never meets my mother and consequently I'm never born.
  • Once the convention is in place it will be possible to avoid conflicts resulting from the fact that courts in different Member States arrive at contradictory decisions in the same cases.
  • The environmental benefits resulting from the fact that water and water only is produced during the oxidation of H2 in a fuel cell, justify the effort.
  • This aspect of the proposal entails returning funds to Member States resulting from the fact that, retroactively from 1 January 2001, they are allowed to keep a greater share of Traditional Own Resources (TOR) in collection costs.
  • This is an error, resulting from the fact that in Directive 96/97/EC point (i) consisted of two parts:
  • Finally, the ECB reviewed its legal framework and introduced, where necessary, amendments resulting from the fact that the Bank of Greece would be a fully participating national central bank as from 1 January 2001.
  • Complaints are increasingly being received from companies in the Netherlands about distortion of the internal market resulting from the fact that different rates of indirect taxes (for example, excise duties or VAT) are applied in the Member States.
  • And to claim that opening rail transport to the private sector will resolve the social chaos resulting from the fact that goods are largely transported by road is deceitful, to say the least.
  • €1,7 million to compensate for the negative impact in 2004 resulting from the fact that customers would need (gradually) to shift their waste streams to other facilities;
  • Although ABN AMRO N remained on an operational level a separate company, the Dutch State feared contamination resulting from the fact that markets might associate ABN AMRO N with its future owner Fortis SA/NV.
  • I believe that, given their special characteristics, resulting from the fact that they are a finite natural resource, they should continue to be given the same treatment as in the Uruguay Round, that is to say, they should be treated as sensitive products.
  • What measures has it taken or will it take to compensate for the reduction in food supplies resulting from the fact that food purchases are to be confined to surplus stocks?
  • What measures has it taken or will it take to compensate for the reduction in food supplies resulting from the fact that food purchases are to be confined to surplus stocks?
  • What action will the Commission take to alleviate the distortions in the fisheries sector resulting from the fact that the regulation is not applicable to Turkey?
  • How does the Commission intend to assist the Member States in dealing with the problems resulting from the fact that in Article 12(1)(d) of the Habitats Directive the word 'deliberate' is missing?
  • sampling error: this typically refers to errors resulting from the fact that a sample of units was observed rather than the entire set of units under study.
  • sampling errors: these typically refer to errors resulting from the fact that a sample of units was observed rather than the entire set of units under study.


  • resulting from the fact

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