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it is likely that vs it is likely to be that

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'It is likely that' is more commonly used and straightforward, while 'it is likely to be that' is a bit more formal and less common. The choice between them depends on the formality of the context.

Last updated: March 24, 2024 • 1290 views

it is likely that

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to express the probability or possibility of something happening. It is a common and straightforward way to convey likelihood.


  • It is likely that it will rain tomorrow.
  • It is likely that she will be late.
  • It is likely that the project will be completed on time.
  • Even though oxidation stability is controlled, it is likely that shelf life will be limited.
  • it is likely that Member States continue taking divergent measures.
  • Therefore, it is likely that their useful life is short.
  • Under these circumstances, it is likely that long-term investments will only be carried out at the beginning of the duration of a given authorisation.
  • This point is particularly significant, because it is likely that the new rules will have a very considerable financial impact on food manufacturers and traders.
  • For instance, it is likely that content will vary across Europe.
  • However, it is likely that the discount [...].
  • Even though oxidation stability is controlled, it is likely that shelf life will be limited.
  • If people move away, it is likely that demand will fall and the cost for users will increase.
  • The Commission will focus its attention on those cases where it is likely that consumers as a whole will not benefit.
  • In that case the Community institution or body must examine whether it is likely that this effect will occur.
  • If the option to tax is not implemented in a similar way, it is likely that distortions of competition between Member States and economic operators will be created.
  • Both groups of products must be distributed in refrigerated vehicles and it is likely that there are significant overlaps in terms of customers.
  • In such a case it is likely that having early access to a substantially improved product outweighs the price increase.
  • In any case, it is likely that obstacles to a truly integrated financial markets will remain in most sectors.
  • Nevertheless, it is likely that a referendum will take place on the matter in Switzerland.
  • Should measures not be imposed, it is likely that the negative trends as regards prices, profitability and market share will continue, if not aggravated further.
  • Furthermore, should the on-going anti-dumping investigation to be terminated without imposing measures, it is likely that dumped imports would rapidly regain market share.
  • Based on animal data, it is likely that the metabolism of orlistat occurs mainly within the gastrointestinal wall.
  • Although there are no data at present, it is likely that CYP3A4 is also involved in further metabolism of metabolite 1.


  • it is probable that
  • it is possible that
  • chances are that
  • it is expected that
  • it is anticipated that

it is likely to be that

This phrase is correct but less common than 'it is likely that'. It is a bit more formal in style.

This phrase is also used to express the probability or possibility of something happening, but it is less commonly used than 'it is likely that'. It can be used in more formal contexts.


  • It is likely to be that the meeting will be postponed.
  • It is likely to be that he will win the competition.
  • It is likely to be that the decision will be made tomorrow.
  • I also believe it is likely to be essential that the underlying administrative procedures be simplified if they are to be able to use the resources available to them in a more efficient way.
  • It is likely to be expected that the products concerned, which would normally have been exported to Russia, will be diverted to the markets of other Member States.
  • However it is likely to be increased prices which will balance supply and demand.
  • The clinical effect of the decreased exposure has not been formally assessed but it is likely to be clinically significant.
  • It is likely to be in the small hours of the morning.
  • I have voted against the convening of an Intergovernmental Conference, as it is likely to be unproductive.
  • In 2050 it is likely to account for only 5%.
  • Therefore, it is likely to be very efficient.
  • Operating aid can only be authorised if it is likely to have positive effects.
  • It is likely to have a positive or neutral impact on employment.
  • However, if there is any such effect, it is likely to be small compared to other factors influencing competition such as production costs, consumer convenience etc.
  • Where a potential entrant cannot penetrate the market profitably, it is likely to be due to factors other than single branding obligations, such as consumer preferences.
  • If the oedematous swelling involves the tongue, glottis or larynx, or it is likely to cause airway obstruction; emergency treatment should be initiated promptly.
  • Considering the nature of the compound (cytotoxic and mutagenic), it is likely to affect the reproductive capacity.
  • Considering the nature of the compound (cytotoxic and mutagenic), it is likely to affect the reproductive capacity.
  • As the EVRA transdermal patch contains similar hormones to those used in combined birth control pills, it is likely to have the same risks.
  • It is likely to be caused by passage of the eye drops in the nasopharynx via the nasolacrimal canal and is attributable to brinzolamide.
  • Since lithium promotes the release of neutrophils, it is likely to potentiate the effect of filgrastim.
  • If the solitary pulmonary nodule is labelled with NeoSpect, it is likely to be malignant.
  • If it is not, then it is likely to be benign (non-malignant).


  • it is probable to be that
  • it is possible to be that
  • chances are that it will be
  • it is expected to be that
  • it is anticipated to be that

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