I got it or i have gotten it?

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I got it

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate understanding or receiving something in the past.

This phrase is commonly used in everyday conversations to acknowledge that you have understood or received something. It is informal and straightforward.


  • A: Did you understand the instructions? B: Yes, I got it.
  • After explaining the task, she finally got it.
  • I got it from the store yesterday.


  • I understand.
  • I got the message.
  • I grasped the concept.
  • I comprehended it.
  • I see what you mean.

i have gotten it

This phrase is correct, especially in American English, to emphasize the completion of an action or to refer to a recent event.

"I have gotten it" is used to emphasize that you have completed an action or to refer to something that happened recently. It is more formal than "I got it."


  • I have gotten the report done.
  • Have you gotten the email I sent you?
  • She has gotten the promotion she wanted.
  • I have gotten it fixed.
  • I have gotten the results from the lab.


  • I have received it.
  • I have understood it.
  • I have completed it.
  • I have achieved it.
  • I have acquired it.
Both "I got it" and "I have gotten it" are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "I got it" is more commonly used in everyday conversations to indicate understanding or receiving something in the past. On the other hand, "I have gotten it" is used in American English to emphasize the completion of an action or to refer to a recent event.

Last updated: March 25, 2024

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