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help sb. do vs help sb. to do

Both 'help sb. do' and 'help sb. to do' are correct and commonly used in English. The choice between the two forms depends on personal preference or regional variations. Both forms convey the same meaning and can be used interchangeably.

Last updated: March 25, 2024 • 917 views

help sb. do

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to indicate assisting someone in doing something without the need for 'to' before the verb. It is a common structure in English.


  • She helped him clean the house.
  • Can you help me carry these bags?
  • He always helps his friends study for exams.
  • I helped my sister bake a cake.
  • They helped the community rebuild after the storm.
  • Legal basis: Nařízení vlády č. 299/2001 Sb. o použití prostředků Státního fondu rozvoje bydlení ke krytí části úroků z úvěrů poskytnutých bankami právnickým a fyzickým osobám na opravy, modernizace nebo regenerace panelových domů ve znění nařízení vlády č. 398/2002 Sb. a 152/2004 Sb.
  • In this case, ISVs shall be issued for the design and development phases according to module SB.
  • Legal basis: Zákon č. 326/2004 Sb., o rostlinolékařské péči; vyhláška č. 147/2004 Sb.
  • Reference amounts are fixed by Act No 326/1999 Sb. on Residence of Aliens in the Territory of the Czech Republic and Amendments of Some Acts.
  • A flow controller shall be used to control the dilution airflow through the pressure blower PB and/or the suction blower SB.
  • All contracting entities in the sectors which supply services in the water management industry defined in section 4 paragraph 1 letters d), e) of Act. No137/2006 Sb. on Public Contracts.
  • The user charges cannot be equated with the charging of the licence fee, as claimed by SBS.
  • COd is the concentration of carbon monoxide, measured in ppm, in the sample of dilution air collected in bag Sb.
  • Legal basis: Zákon č. 185/2001 Sb. o odpadech, zákon č. 477/2001 Sb. o obalech
  • A flow controller may be used to control the flow of the pressure blower PB and/or the suction blower SB.
  • A flow controller may be used to control the flow of the pressure blower PB and/or the suction blower SB.
  • Up to 7 % of the quantitative limit for a given product group may be transferred to one or more other groups within the same product category, that is to say within categories SA or SB.
  • Introduction of the special use category for four-wheelers used both on-road and off-road, with specific subcategories for ATV and SbS.
  • The anti-dumping investigation was initiated following a complaint lodged on 13 April 2004 by the European Chemical Industry Council ('CEFIC' or 'the complainant') on behalf of producers representing 100 % of the Community production of SBS.
  • A flow controller may be used to control the flow of the pressure blower PB and/or the suction blower SB.
  • Legal basis | Zákon č. 130/2002 Sb. o podpoře výzkumu a vývoje Nařízení vlády č. 461/2002 Sb. Usnesení vlády založené na návrhu ministerstva kultury č. 10561/2004 |
  • Legal basis: Nařízení vlády č. 322/2002 Sb. a návrh na prodloužení tohoto nařízení
  • Legal basis: Nařízení vlády č. 249/2002 Sb. ze dne 22. května 2002 o podmínkách poskytování příspěvku k hypotečnímu úvěru osobám mladším 36 let, ve znění pozdějších předpisů
  • The other main companies selling TV advertising time which are active on the Dutch market are IP and SBS. IP sells advertising time on behalf of the commercial broadcasters RTL4, RTL5 and Yorin. SBS sells advertising time for its commercial broadcasters SBS6, Net 5 and Veronica.
  • All contracting entities which supply services in the water management industry defined in Section 4, paragraph 1, points (d) and (e) of Act No 137/2006 Sb. on Public Contracts


  • assist sb. in doing
  • aid sb. with doing
  • support sb. in doing
  • aid sb. in doing
  • give sb. a hand with doing

help sb. to do

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to indicate assisting someone in doing something with the addition of 'to' before the verb. It is a common structure in English.


  • She helped him to clean the house.
  • Can you help me to carry these bags?
  • He always helps his friends to study for exams.
  • I helped my sister to bake a cake.
  • They helped the community to rebuild after the storm.
  • Legal basis: Nařízení vlády č. 299/2001 Sb. o použití prostředků Státního fondu rozvoje bydlení ke krytí části úroků z úvěrů poskytnutých bankami právnickým a fyzickým osobám na opravy, modernizace nebo regenerace panelových domů ve znění nařízení vlády č. 398/2002 Sb. a 152/2004 Sb.
  • In this case, ISVs shall be issued for the design and development phases according to module SB.
  • Legal basis: Zákon č. 326/2004 Sb., o rostlinolékařské péči; vyhláška č. 147/2004 Sb.
  • Reference amounts are fixed by Act No 326/1999 Sb. on Residence of Aliens in the Territory of the Czech Republic and Amendments of Some Acts.
  • A flow controller shall be used to control the dilution airflow through the pressure blower PB and/or the suction blower SB.
  • All contracting entities in the sectors which supply services in the water management industry defined in section 4 paragraph 1 letters d), e) of Act. No137/2006 Sb. on Public Contracts.
  • The user charges cannot be equated with the charging of the licence fee, as claimed by SBS.
  • COd is the concentration of carbon monoxide, measured in ppm, in the sample of dilution air collected in bag Sb.
  • Legal basis: Zákon č. 185/2001 Sb. o odpadech, zákon č. 477/2001 Sb. o obalech
  • A flow controller may be used to control the flow of the pressure blower PB and/or the suction blower SB.
  • A flow controller may be used to control the flow of the pressure blower PB and/or the suction blower SB.
  • Up to 7 % of the quantitative limit for a given product group may be transferred to one or more other groups within the same product category, that is to say within categories SA or SB.
  • Introduction of the special use category for four-wheelers used both on-road and off-road, with specific subcategories for ATV and SbS.
  • The anti-dumping investigation was initiated following a complaint lodged on 13 April 2004 by the European Chemical Industry Council ('CEFIC' or 'the complainant') on behalf of producers representing 100 % of the Community production of SBS.
  • A flow controller may be used to control the flow of the pressure blower PB and/or the suction blower SB.
  • Legal basis | Zákon č. 130/2002 Sb. o podpoře výzkumu a vývoje Nařízení vlády č. 461/2002 Sb. Usnesení vlády založené na návrhu ministerstva kultury č. 10561/2004 |
  • Legal basis: Nařízení vlády č. 322/2002 Sb. a návrh na prodloužení tohoto nařízení
  • Legal basis: Nařízení vlády č. 249/2002 Sb. ze dne 22. května 2002 o podmínkách poskytování příspěvku k hypotečnímu úvěru osobám mladším 36 let, ve znění pozdějších předpisů
  • The other main companies selling TV advertising time which are active on the Dutch market are IP and SBS. IP sells advertising time on behalf of the commercial broadcasters RTL4, RTL5 and Yorin. SBS sells advertising time for its commercial broadcasters SBS6, Net 5 and Veronica.
  • All contracting entities which supply services in the water management industry defined in Section 4, paragraph 1, points (d) and (e) of Act No 137/2006 Sb. on Public Contracts


  • assist sb. in doing
  • aid sb. with doing
  • support sb. in doing
  • aid sb. in doing
  • give sb. a hand with doing

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