Which is correct:
"factor of" or "factor in"?

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factor of

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to indicate the relationship between two things, showing that one thing is a component or element of another.


  • The weather is a significant factor of crop growth.
  • Education is a key factor of economic development.
  • Time management is a critical factor of success.
  • Nutrition is an essential factor of good health.
  • Teamwork is a major factor of project success.


  • element of
  • component of
  • part of

factor in

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to consider something as part of a decision or situation, indicating that it plays a role or is taken into account.


  • We need to factor in the cost of transportation when planning the budget.
  • The location of the new office will be a key factor in our decision.
  • His experience will be a significant factor in the selection process.
  • The weather conditions will be factored in when scheduling the event.
  • The potential risks should be factored in before making a decision.


  • consider in
  • take into account
  • include in
Both 'factor of' and 'factor in' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Factor of' is used to indicate the relationship between two things, while 'factor in' is used to consider something as part of a decision or situation.

Last updated: April 01, 2024

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