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After having been given the vs After being given the

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. "After having been given the" is used when emphasizing the completion of an action in the past, while "after being given the" is more straightforward and commonly used. The choice between them depends on the level of emphasis you want to convey.

Last updated: March 31, 2024 • 3827 views

After having been given the

This phrase is correct and is used to emphasize the completion of an action in the past.

This phrase is used to indicate that something was given to someone in the past and emphasizes the completion of the action.


  • After having been given the opportunity, she decided to pursue further studies.
  • After having been given the chance, he excelled in his new role.
  • Both companies were therefore excluded from the sample after having been given the opportunity to provide comments.
  • After having been given the requisite information, the patient may either accept or reject the course of action which has been proposed to him.
  • The Tribunal shall give its decision by way of judgment after having given the parties an opportunity to submit their observations.
  • The Court shall give its decision after having given the parties an opportunity to submit their observations and after hearing the Advocate General.
  • Only after having given the applicant this opportunity, may the Community institution or body, where it deems it appropriate, refuse the request under this paragraph.
  • I therefore admit this, but this will only occur after having given everything...
  • The Commission may decide, by means of implementing acts, to suspend all or part of interim payments, after having given the Member State the opportunity to present its observations.
  • After having given birth to three babies, you guys are the true patriots.
  • Women have been known to struggle with it, sometimes for months, after having given birth.
  • To give you one example, the polio vaccine we use today is the fourth polio vaccine, because the other three, after having been given to people for many years, were finally withdrawn because of mounting evidence of damage.
  • The Centre shall communicate on its own initiative in the fields within its mission, after having given prior information to the Member States and to the Commission.
  • The Commission should therefore adopt a final decision on the multi-annual financing of RTVE only after having given interested parties the opportunity to make their views known.
  • The Centre shall communicate on its own initiative in the fields within its mission, after having given prior information to the Member States and to the Commission.
  • In the event of non-payment, the Agency may revoke the relevant certificate or approval after having given formal warning to the applicant.
  • And it is the board of governors who... after having given due consideration to the grave charges laid against you... have given instructions that you leave this school that your classes be taken over tomorrow morning by another teacher.
  • What, dear llise, you grow sad... after having given me such dear tokens of your love.
  • After having given him an opportunity to express his views on the grounds for listing, the Commission will review his inclusion in Annex I to Council Regulation (EC) No 881/2002 and a new decision concerning him will be made.
  • Can Israel today say that it is safer, after having given rise to so much hatred and despair?
  • after having consulted and given the utmost consideration to the opinion of the Board of Regulators,
  • The daughter of the commander of our fortress, after having given him every confidence... will marry Lt. Alexis.


  • after being given the
  • after receiving the

After being given the

This phrase is correct and commonly used to indicate that something was given to someone in the past.

This phrase is a more straightforward way to indicate that something was given to someone in the past.


  • After being given the instructions, he started working on the project.
  • After being given the opportunity, she decided to travel the world.
  • Some people may feel tired after being given Vidaza.
  • It should also not be used in people who have had an allergic reaction after being given a hepatitis B vaccine.
  • It should also not be used in infants who have had an allergic reaction after being given diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis or hepatitis B vaccines.
  • You must not breast-feed after being given Simulect or up to 4 months after the second dose.
  • Your doctor may advise you to take calcium and vitamin D supplements (e. g. tablets) for at least the first ten days after being given Aclasta.
  • It should also not be used in people who have had an allergic reaction after being given hepatitis A or hepatitis B vaccines.
  • Mr President, in Azerbaijan, for fairly mild and delicate criticism of the government, two people have gone to prison after being given stiff sentences.
  • And this was the preparation that I was being given after 17 years as a child of the state.
  • INOmax is given after being diluted in the oxygen/ air mixture supplied to the baby through the ventilator.
  • Some side effects were seen primarily while patients were being given the medicine or shortly after.
  • In clinical studies side effects were mainly seen while patients were being given the medicine or shortly after.
  • Side effects were mainly seen while patients were being given the medicine or shortly after (infusion- associated reactions).
  • After being endorsed by Vladimir Putin, Mr Medvedev's coronation was all but assured given the former's popularity due to Russia's economic growth.
  • Side effects were mainly seen while patients were being given the medicine or shortly after ("infusion related effects").
  • Not being given the floor until after the GUE/NGL Group has spoken still requires a psychological adjustment on my part, but I am afraid I will have to get used to it.
  • In fact, being given the distinct impression that God is wholly irrelevant.
  • You're being given the Medal of Distinction.
  • I am grateful for being given the floor.
  • Now, the Commission is being given the opportunity to decide what it will hand over for inspection.
  • The Commission is being given the opportunity of responding to a number of urgent questions raised and requests made by Parliament before 15 May.


  • after having been given the
  • after receiving the

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