won't be able to tell or won't know?

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won't be able to tell

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when someone is unable to provide information or make a judgment about something. It implies a limitation in the ability to perceive or understand.


  • I won't be able to tell if the cake is good until I taste it.
  • Due to the poor lighting, I won't be able to tell if the colors match.
  • She won't be able to tell the difference between the two fabrics.
  • Without more information, we won't be able to tell what caused the issue.
  • The witness won't be able to tell who the perpetrator was.


  • won't be able to discern
  • won't be able to distinguish
  • won't be able to perceive
  • won't be able to identify
  • won't be able to make out

won't know

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when someone lacks knowledge or awareness about a particular subject or situation. It indicates a lack of information or understanding.


  • I won't know the answer until I check the book.
  • She won't know if the event is happening unless she receives an invitation.
  • He won't know the truth until he hears both sides of the story.
  • We won't know the outcome until the results are announced.
  • They won't know the details until the meeting is held.


  • won't be aware of
  • won't be informed about
  • won't be acquainted with
  • won't be familiar with
  • won't have knowledge of
Both "won't be able to tell" and "won't know" are correct phrases, but they are used in slightly different contexts. "Won't be able to tell" implies a lack of ability to provide information or make a judgment, while "won't know" simply indicates a lack of knowledge or awareness.

Last updated: March 20, 2024

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