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What do people say vs What do people talk

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'What do people say?' is used when you want to know what someone's opinion or belief is. 'What do people talk?' is less common and could be used when asking about the topics of conversation or discussions among people.

Last updated: March 26, 2024 • 1572 views

What do people say

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to inquire about someone's opinion or belief.

This phrase is used to ask about the opinions, beliefs, or comments of individuals or groups of people.


  • What do people say about the new policy?
  • I wonder what people say about the upcoming election.
  • Tell me, what do people say about the new restaurant in town?
  • What do people say when they talk to one another, and what deter mines their choice of words? If language were a code, such that each ob.
  • What do people say after they have learned how to talk? Studies of the development of referential communication. Citation.
  • Jan 19, 2022 ... What do people say is the most important reason to protect nature? An analysis of pro-environmental motives across 11 countries☆.
  • Nov 5, 2021 ... What do people say about her? Thunberg has received support from climate activists, scientists and public figures.
  • What do people say about you when you leave the room? Dave Gordon. Like it or not, this is your personal brand. You can say anything you want about yourself ...
  • What do people say about me? A lot. But , why don't I let them tell you… “Deb takes her own real life situations and applies her dry and witty sense of ...
  • What do people say about you when you leave the room? posted by Becky Tilney. in Careers and skills. 9 June 2017. Your personal brand has to be carefully ...


  • What are people saying?
  • What is the general opinion?
  • What is the consensus among people?
  • What are people's thoughts?
  • What do people think?

What do people talk

This phrase is correct but less common. It can be used to ask about the topics of conversation or discussions among people.

This phrase is used to inquire about the subjects or topics of conversation or discussions among individuals or groups of people.


  • What do people talk about at work?
  • I'm curious, what do people talk about in your neighborhood?
  • Do you know what people talk about in the media these days?
  • W- what do people talk about?
  • And what do people not want to talk about?
  • I know all about what happens when people don't talk to each other.
  • Why do people talk trash about him?
  • Guys, I know people talk.
  • Plenty of people talk to priests in hospitals.
  • People talk about a lot of things.
  • The whole trick is writing the way people talk.
  • Like what normal people talk about.
  • I've heard many people talk about him.
  • I - People talk about my eyes.
  • But people talk, and especially in a small town.
  • No doubt people talk about that.
  • People talk about "closure," but I don't buy it.
  • Some people talk to say something.
  • Normal people talk and they should sing.
  • People talk a lot when they drink.
  • In the hallways, people talk.
  • Look, people talk, especially these kids.


  • What are people discussing?
  • What are people conversing about?
  • What are people chatting about?
  • What are people gossiping about?
  • What are people sharing?

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