Which is correct:
"were detained" or "were being detained"?

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were detained

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate that someone was held in custody in the past.

This phrase is used to describe a situation where someone was held in custody in the past. It is a simple past passive construction.


  • The suspects were detained by the police for questioning.
  • He was detained at the airport for carrying prohibited items.
  • The protesters were detained by the authorities.
  • The criminals were detained by the security guards.
  • She was detained by immigration officials for further investigation.


  • got detained
  • were arrested
  • were held in custody
  • were taken into custody
  • were apprehended

were being detained

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate that someone was in the process of being held in custody at a specific point in the past.

This phrase is used to describe a situation where someone was in the process of being held in custody at a specific point in the past. It is a past continuous passive construction.


  • They were being detained by the border patrol when the incident occurred.
  • The suspects were being detained for further questioning when the lawyer arrived.
  • She was being detained at the police station while her family was contacted.
  • The activists were being detained by the security forces during the protest.
  • He was being detained by the immigration officers for not having proper documentation.


  • were in the process of being detained
  • were getting detained
  • were being held in custody
  • were being taken into custody
  • were being apprehended
Both "were detained" and "were being detained" are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "Were detained" is used to indicate that someone was held in custody in the past, while "were being detained" is used to show that someone was in the process of being held in custody at a specific point in the past.

Last updated: March 19, 2024

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