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teaching at any level vs to teach at any level

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Teaching at any level' is used when referring to the act of teaching itself, while 'to teach at any level' is used when indicating the intention or ability to teach at different levels. They are not directly comparable as they serve different purposes.

Last updated: March 25, 2024 • 780 views

teaching at any level

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to describe the action of teaching without specifying a particular level. It implies the ability to teach at various levels.
  • In many cases, local and regional authorities are responsible for introducing media teaching at all levels of formal education.
  • points out that in many cases, local and regional authorities are responsible for introducing media teaching at all levels of formal education.
  • The draft legislation on the setting-up of a European School in Greece provides for funding of EUR 5.5 million in order to offer free teaching at various levels for the children of ENISA officials who will be employed in Greece.
  • The setting up of virtual training rooms, for example, is one way of achieving the goal of exchanges of good practice between teachers in the different Member States, at both methodological and teaching level.
  • For this reason, maintaining and preserving bilingualism at all levels of teaching in schools in Tibet is the only and best solution.
  • whereas attracting top-performing recruits to the teaching profession requires corresponding levels of social recognition, status and remuneration,
  • You must see the value of his teachings On some level, don't you?
  • This amounts to yet another blow against the long-established Catalan language and culture - even more so considering that Barcelona, in which university-level teaching is carried out mainly in Catalan, receives more Erasmus students than any other university town in the Spanish state.
  • O. whereas attracting top-performing recruits to the teaching profession requires corresponding levels of social recognition, status and remuneration,
  • A high level of teaching is an essential element of a high quality of education, which should be a crucial factor in Europe's long-term competitiveness and its capacity to create new jobs.
  • Is it for Parliament to express its opinion on the composition of the teaching workforce at all levels of school education in the Member States?
  • teaching resources at European level (handbook of EU legislation, information bulletins, practical manuals, glossaries and lexicons, databases, especially in the area of scientific assistance or technology watch) or
  • the effective training hours spent teaching at that chapter and level,
  • Encourages the Member States to implement a policy for lifelong education and training that is consistent at all levels of teaching including higher education and results in social inclusion as well as being tailored to social, demographic and economic change;
  • Encourages the Member States to implement a policy for lifelong education and training that is consistent at all levels of teaching including higher education and results in social inclusion as well as being tailored to social, demographic and economic change;
  • Q. whereas education, including interdisciplinary teaching covering areas that overlap traditional subjects is a precondition for innovation and innovation should be an integral part of education programmes at all levels of teaching,
  • whereas education, including interdisciplinary teaching covering areas that overlap with traditional subjects is a precondition for innovation and innovation should be an integral part of education programmes at all levels of teaching,
  • whereas education, including interdisciplinary teaching covering areas that overlap with traditional subjects is a precondition for innovation and innovation should be an integral part of education programmes at all levels of teaching,
  • In Greece, for example, owing to the unsatisfactory level of foreign language teaching at all stages of public education, many students resort to language schools or private lessons, which is a significant burden on the family budget.
  • I'm teaching at metropolitan writers workshop.

to teach at any level

This phrase is also correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to express the intention or ability to teach at different levels. It indicates a broader scope of teaching.
  • One of the things that I've done for my science students is to tell them, Look, I'm going to teach you college-level physics.
  • They just design the levels and teach them to the dreamers.
  • Can't believe she's allowed to teach at this school.
  • I used to teach at UC San Diego years ago.
  • And that's why I applied to teach at Rosewood.
  • I have come to teach at the college.
  • He didn't need it to teach at Quantico.
  • I came here a year ago to teach at Athens University.
  • She's arranged for me to teach at the university there.
  • I volunteered to teach at the women's prison there...
  • He used to teach at a prestigious High School in Calcutta.
  • She came in last year to teach at the international school.
  • Eventually, I came to Los Angeles to teach at the University of Southern California Law School.
  • Reminds me of another man who came down to teach at a school in a parish of New Orleans.
  • She used to teach at the community college, and then she got a job in Admissions.
  • All her life she had wanted to teach at Wellesley College.
  • To teach at Oral Roberts University opened up.
  • I told you to teach at the new house.
  • Dora Maria Tellez, a history professor, from Nicaragua who had been invited to teach at Harvard University.
  • Tariq Ramadan, a prominent intellectual, who had been invited to teach at Notre Dame University.

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