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split vs splitted

Both 'split' and 'splitted' are correct forms, but 'split' is more commonly used in English. 'Splitted' is considered less common and may sound awkward to some native speakers.

Last updated: March 20, 2024 • 3433 views


This is a correct and commonly used form in English.

Use 'split' as the past tense and past participle of the verb 'to split.' It is the more common form and is widely accepted.


  • I split the cake in half.
  • The team split into two groups.
  • She has split her time between work and family.
  • We could split the bounty fifty-fifty.
  • A single embryo split three ways.
  • The Nürburgring assets were split in eleven individual assets.
  • The rates are raised when a couple is split.
  • Besides, voters are split on legalizing slots.
  • The Argives were split between pro-and-anti-Roman parties.
  • The territory is today split between Saga and Nagasaki Prefectures.
  • The game includes split screen combat.
  • I split the prison profits fifty-fifty.
  • Roll-call votes split Parliament into national delegations and political groups.
  • On that issue Member States remained deeply split.
  • The move has split local scholars and literati.
  • The prize was unfortunately split between seventy people.
  • And her loyalty is split between CTU and DOD.
  • Now think about that, five million split four ways.
  • Each hand can only be split once, split hands cannot be split again.
  • You can Double Down on the first two cards of a split hand, except for split Aces.
  • No worries.Microsoft Outlook provided an inbuilt technique to split large PST files.So, just read these methods and learn how to split large PST files first.
  • This is what Jung called a "split anima", or the female equivalent - a "split animus".
  • In the event of a split pot with an odd chip, large chips will always be split down to the smallest denomination for the game.


  • divided
  • separated
  • parted
  • broke apart
  • cut in half


This is a correct form but less commonly used in English.

While 'splitted' is a valid past tense and past participle of 'to split,' it is less common and may sound awkward to some native speakers. It is still grammatically correct but not as widely accepted.


  • He splitted the wood for the fire.
  • The road was splitted into two lanes.
  • They have splitted the tasks among the team members.
  • The meaning of SPLITTED is archaic past tense of split.
  • Oct 11, 2018 ... Splitted appears to be a nonstandard/obsolete usage of the past tense of split: Collins Dictionary notes that: (Language note) The form ...
  • Splitted is an archaic word for the past tense of “to split”. It is a term used to describe the act of separating something into smaller parts.
  • The first generation of our splitted hoodie concept. We've been working on this project since February 2020 and are excited to finally share the first in ...
  • can i use vmkfstools -i to convert splitted vmdk file? falkrehderMay 16, 2013 01:20 PM. Hi, i have to convert a win 2008 server, because it is ...
  • Splitted 12 is the latest addition to the three brothers. This time, we chose Jarrah and Sassafras for the 3 x 1 pieces and PNG Rosewood for the 2 x 2 pieces.
  • Mar 10, 2020 ... Hey , can someone explain the advantage of having a splittend timeline? Audio and Video Splitted and also scaling in different ways.
  • lounge chair | Splitted ... Teun Zwets world, where creativity knows no bounds. Teun operates on intuition, employing a hands-on approach that exudes practicality ...
  • Time for crowdfunding ? (Splitted from "Implementing libmypaint") · Development · oinkystudio (oinkystudio) 29 2015 03:09 1. Wow!! This is amazing news!
  • Feb 26, 2020 ... I was wondering if there is a way to keep the dimension accurate in splitted viewport between break lines ? As I often have the need to show ...


  • split
  • divided
  • separated
  • parted
  • broke apart

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