should be sent or should be send?

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should be sent

This phrase is correct.

The phrase "should be sent" is used when someone is recommending that an item be moved from one location to another.

Some examples from our editors:

  • The report should be sent to the project manager by tomorrow.
  • All job applications should be sent via email to the HR department.
  • The invitation should be sent out to all guests at least one week before the event.
  • Any maintenance requests should be sent to the building superintendent for a prompt resolution.
  • All completed forms should be sent to the address provided on the application.
  • Any correspondence regarding the billing issue should be sent directly to the finance department.

Some alternatives from our editors:

  • ought to be sent
  • must be sent
  • have to be sent
  • has to be sent
  • needs to be transferred

should be send

This phrase is not correct. Don't use it.

"Should be send is not grammatically correct. "Send" is the simple present tense form of the verb "to send" and we only use the past participle form of the verb ("sent") with "to be".

Some alternatives from our editors:

  • "should be sent"
  • "should be forwarded"
  • "ought to be mailed"
  • "needs to be dispatched"
  • "must be delivered"
  • "has to be transferred"
The proper form of this modal verb phrase is "should be sent," not "should be send." However, you could say, "should send."
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Explained by Kay
Editor at TextRanch

Last updated: July 10, 2023

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