Which one is correct?
"risk for" or "risk to"?

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risk for

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when discussing the likelihood of something happening that could be harmful. For example, 'There is a high risk for flooding in this area.'


  • There is a high risk for accidents on this road.
  • There is a low risk for failure if we follow this plan.
  • The doctor explained the risk for complications after the surgery.
  • The risk for wildfires increases during dry seasons.
  • There is a risk for contamination in the water supply.


  • risk of
  • risk that
  • risk in
  • risk associated with
  • risk posed by

risk to

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when discussing the potential harm or danger that something poses to someone or something else. For example, 'The new policy poses a risk to our financial stability.'


  • The chemicals in the factory pose a risk to the environment.
  • The pandemic poses a risk to public health.
  • The project poses a risk to the company's reputation.
  • The dog's behavior poses a risk to children in the neighborhood.
  • The lack of safety measures poses a risk to workers.


  • risk of
  • risk that
  • risk in
  • risk associated with
  • risk posed by
Both 'risk for' and 'risk to' are commonly used in English, but they are used in different contexts. 'Risk for' is used when discussing the likelihood of something happening that could be harmful, while 'risk to' is used when discussing the potential harm or danger that something poses to someone or something else.

Last Updated: March 19, 2024

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