Quite expensive or Quiet expensive?

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Quite expensive

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate that something is relatively costly.

Use "quite expensive" to describe something that is relatively costly or expensive.


  • The hotel room was quite expensive.
  • The designer bag was quite expensive.
  • The restaurant was quite expensive, but the food was amazing.
  • The repair costs were quite expensive.
  • The new car was quite expensive, but it was worth it.

Quiet expensive

This phrase is incorrect. The word "quiet" means making little or no noise and does not convey the intended meaning of being relatively costly.


  • quite expensive
  • very expensive
  • extremely expensive
  • incredibly expensive
  • exorbitantly expensive
The correct phrase is "quite expensive." The word "quite" is used to indicate a high degree or extent, while "quiet" means making little or no noise. Therefore, in this context, "quite expensive" is the appropriate choice to convey that something is relatively costly.

Last updated: March 22, 2024

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