put down luggage or luggage?

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put down luggage

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate the action of placing luggage on the ground or a surface.

This phrase is used when you want to convey the action of setting down or placing your luggage on the ground or a surface. It is commonly used in travel contexts or when discussing carrying bags.


  • Please put down your luggage before boarding the bus.
  • After a long journey, I was relieved to finally put down my heavy luggage.
  • She carefully put down her luggage to avoid damaging anything inside.
  • The flight attendant instructed us to put down our luggage in the overhead compartments.
  • I always put down my luggage first before checking in at the hotel.


  • place the luggage down
  • set down the luggage
  • drop the luggage
  • unload the luggage
  • lower the luggage


This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to refer to bags, suitcases, or other containers used to carry personal belongings.

This term is used to describe bags, suitcases, or containers that hold personal belongings while traveling. It is a common word in the context of travel, airports, hotels, and transportation.


  • bags
  • suitcases
  • baggage
  • travel bags
  • carry-on
The phrases "put down luggage" and "luggage" are not directly comparable as they serve different purposes. "Put down luggage" is a complete action indicating placing luggage on the ground or a surface, while "luggage" simply refers to bags or suitcases. Depending on the context, one might be more appropriate than the other.

Last updated: March 31, 2024

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