put down luggage or deposit luggage?

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put down luggage

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to placing luggage on the ground or a surface.

This phrase is used when physically setting luggage on the ground or a surface, such as when arriving at a destination and placing your bags on the floor.


  • Please put down your luggage before entering the bus.
  • I need to put down my luggage to check my phone.
  • She put down her luggage and looked around the airport.
  • The traveler put down his luggage and sat down to rest.
  • After a long journey, I was relieved to put down my luggage.


  • place luggage on the ground
  • set luggage down
  • drop off luggage
  • unload luggage
  • store luggage

deposit luggage

This phrase is correct but is more formal and often used in the context of leaving luggage in a designated area, such as a luggage storage facility.

This phrase is used when leaving luggage in a specific location, such as a luggage storage area at a hotel, airport, or train station.


  • Please deposit your luggage at the front desk.
  • Passengers can deposit their luggage in the storage lockers.
  • You can deposit your luggage in the designated area.
  • The hotel offers a service to deposit luggage for guests.
  • Travelers are advised to deposit their luggage before check-in.


  • leave luggage
  • store luggage
  • check luggage
  • drop off luggage
  • place luggage in storage
Both 'put down luggage' and 'deposit luggage' are correct phrases, but they are used in different contexts. 'Put down luggage' is commonly used when referring to placing luggage on the ground or a surface, while 'deposit luggage' is more formal and is often used in the context of leaving luggage in a designated area, such as a luggage storage facility.

Last updated: March 31, 2024

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