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problematic to vs problematic for

A complete search of the internet has found that "problematic to" is the most popular phrase on the web.

Last updated: September 28, 2016 • 2719 views

problematic to

624,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • That's why it's so problematic to describe what has happened in the developing world.
  • If this is the case it seems very problematic to allow the export of dangerous chemicals to these countries.
  • In terms of the one-stop-shop principle it would be problematic to deny only those Member States which have requested a referral the option off applying their national competition law to the concentration.
  • I do not think it is the slightest bit problematic to express concern over the impression children and young girls are given, especially from images of extremely thin women.
  • I regard it as problematic to think along these lines, particularly since some Member States have been incapable of following the less stringent rules to date, and effectively enforcing their implementation.
  • Regrettably, however, in their case it has in practice often proved very problematic to find the funds to make a 20% contribution of their own towards the cost of implementing projects.
  • We think it is necessary to make it clear that we seriously think it is problematic to continue without the resources and the manpower that we need.
  • The Federal German Government must make it clear that it contradicts the principle of subsidiarity and that it is very problematic to cofinance research funding of this nature which is ethically highly emotive, and which is not in accord with Germany's legal position.
  • Similarly, for maintenance works, it is problematic to establish in advance all the contractual terms.
  • Nothing about that would have been problematic to the child at all.
  • I also consider it problematic to temporarily suspend transfers.
  • Listen, from an economic standpoint alone what you're asking, is problematic to say the least.
  • This is mainly due to the fact that such estimates are too problematic to be considered enough reliable from an economic point of view.
  • Enforcement is problematic to say the least and, as in so many aspects of fishing, varies from one Member State to another.
  • In addition, it also seems to me to be problematic to apply these regulations during this, the 2000-2001 season, since we are already at a late stage.
  • Rolling resistance coefficient is problematic to measure and this parameter does not appear relevant for the end-user's choice: amendments 19 and 20.
  • This freedom on the ground must actually have originated in the heavens, as it seems far less problematic to set down borders in the sky than to remove them on earth.
  • the RMPP was less problematic to manage when it was in a monopoly environment; and
  • It is more problematic to determine whether point (a) can apply, that is to say whether the written form it requires is present in the case of electronic communications.

problematic for

More popular!

3,500,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • That is particularly problematic for disabled with special navigation apparatus.
  • This is particularly problematic for disabled people.
  • A technical solution like that would be especially problematic for us in northern Europe.
  • The absence of such a mechanism in some EU countries seems problematic for different reasons.
  • Symptoms that are especially problematic for an athlete.
  • They just become more problematic for the child, who gets increasingly discouraged and frustrated.
  • Policy impact is particularly problematic for the Environment and Forest Budget Line.
  • For developing countries, this might be problematic for various reasons.
  • Integrating Turkey into this whole would be problematic for a number of reasons.
  • Leaving us at the mercy of our primal urges, which is a little problematic for civilized society.
  • If the wrong person comes into her life, it could be... problematic for all of us.
  • Now, Monaco is problematic for me, and I'll show you why.
  • The inclusion of commitments on the so-called "Singapore Issues" in the TDCA is particularly problematic for South Africa.
  • According to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), such arrangements are very problematic for the world's poor.
  • Dissemination of these standards can be problematic for small and medium-sized enterprises given the high cost of acquiring them; while standardisation leads to certification procedures, the administrative costs incurred are generally much higher than those resulting directly from legislation.
  • The Commission is aware that the control of the stray dog population in Romania is problematic for different reasons including the welfare of the stray dogs.
  • Moreover, exposure to pesticide residues is problematic for all groups of the population and everyone would benefit from a lowering of the general level.
  • Does it intend to press Turkey, as an accession country, to abandon its plans, which may prove very problematic for the whole region? 3.
  • But the conflict itself is extremely nasty and very problematic for everybody, especially the victims of course.
  • Even though, at this point, we are only talking about a recasting of the guidelines, I would nevertheless like to take the opportunity to mention a project that is particularly problematic for Austria.

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