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note verbale vs verbal note

Both 'note verbale' and 'verbal note' are correct phrases, but they are used in different contexts. 'Note verbale' is a diplomatic communication written in the third person and is commonly used in international relations. On the other hand, 'verbal note' refers to a communication that is spoken rather than written.

Last updated: March 22, 2024 • 2384 views

note verbale

This phrase is correct and commonly used in diplomatic contexts.

The term 'note verbale' is used in diplomatic communication to refer to a formal written communication between diplomatic agents or between a diplomatic mission and a foreign ministry.


  • The embassy sent a note verbale to the foreign ministry regarding the upcoming summit.
  • The note verbale outlined the key points of the agreement between the two countries.
  • In the days following its adoption, the Commission's report of 10 January 2006 was sent by note verbale to the authorities of the various third countries concerned.
  • The Commission has sent a note verbale to the authorities expressing concern for the safety of its aid workers but has not ordered their evacuation.
  • Secondly, the Commission's main problem is the very large number of countries which have simply not replied to the note verbale.
  • Could the Commissioner say how many third countries never replied to that note verbale?
  • By note verbale of 20 February 2004, the Commission acknowledged receipt without adding any comment on the content of the Government of Zimbabwe's response.
  • In response to a Commission note verbale of 15 June 2006, the Costa Rican authorities confirmed by memo of 20 July that reciprocity was now ensured, including vis-à-vis Iceland.
  • As it had not received official confirmation that the decree had been signed, the Commission officially reminded the Paraguayan authorities of the continuing non-reciprocity situation vis-à-vis Icelandic nationals by note verbale dated 5 June 2006.
  • The Commission drew the Singapore authorities' attention to the new factors mentioned above by note verbale dated 2 June 2006 and invited them to inform it of the current situation ahead of its second report.
  • The Presidency of the Council of the EU subsequently issued a statement and Zimbabwean ambassadors in a number of EU Member States were summoned and presented with a copy of the note verbale handed over in Harare.
  • In January, the European Commission sent a "note verbale" to all non-OECD countries (plus Hungary and Poland, which do not yet apply OECD Decision C(92)39 final).
  • A Note Verbale may also be requested where the journey is for private purposes.
  • However, this is not correct as the Commission services provided, by a Note Verbale to the Chinese Mission to the EU of 12 July 2012, with the MET disclosure document.
  • Moreover, a Note Verbale has been sent to the Permanent Delegation of Turkey to the Union with clarifications on the establishment of targeted dumping and the methodology applied for the dumping margin calculation.
  • A copy of the sampling form was also attached to the Note Verbale sent to the Mission of the United States of America to the European Communities at initiation and they were invited to send it to exporters/producers in the United States of America.
  • In the light of the latest note verbale from the Brunei authorities, a solution that would guarantee all Member State nationals equal treatment appears imminent. A final assessment cannot be given until the Brunei authorities have demonstrated their intentions.
  • A copy of the sampling form was also attached to the Note Verbale sent to the Mission of the United States of America to the European Communities at initiation and they were invited to send it to US exporters/producers USA.
  • Albania replied to the note verbale stating that its position has not changed.
  • A Note Verbale with an identical text is being sent to the Commission of the European Union.
  • Last modified by Note Verbale done at Kuala Lumpur on 14 September 1994;
  • Therefore on 22 September this year the Ministry of Foreign Affairs once again sent a Note Verbale communicating its renewed request for a diplomatic resolution to this issue.


  • diplomatic note
  • official communication
  • formal letter

verbal note

This phrase is correct and refers to a spoken communication rather than a written one.

A 'verbal note' is a communication that is spoken or delivered orally, as opposed to being written down. It is often used in informal or personal interactions.


  • She received a verbal note from her colleague about the change in meeting time.
  • The teacher gave a verbal note to the students regarding the upcoming test.
  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent a verbal note to the German Ambassador, but has not received any reply.
  • By virtue of the verbal note from the Ambassador of Andorra to the Community of 1 July 2004, Andorra has undertaken to ratify such agreement before 30 April 2005.
  • Through a verbal note dated 2 May 2000 addressed to the President of the EU/ACP Council of Ministers, Cuba communicated its unilateral decision to withdraw its application to be a signatory to the new ACP/EU Partnership Agreement.
  • (3) By virtue of the verbal note from the Ambassador of Andorra to the Community of 1 July 2004, Andorra has undertaken to ratify such agreement before 30 April 2005. This date is acceptable to the Community.
  • Secondly, the Principality of Andorra has notified the Commission in writing (verbal note of 1 July 2004 from the Ambassador of the Principality of Andorra to the Community, Mrs Meritxell Mateu) that it intends to ratify this agreement before 30 April 2005.


  • spoken message
  • oral communication
  • verbal message

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