Which one is correct?
"miss a toilet" or "miss the toilet"?

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miss a toilet

This phrase is correct and is used when referring to the absence of a toilet in a particular location.

This phrase is used when referring to the absence of a toilet in a particular location. It indicates that there is no toilet available in that specific place.


  • I really needed to go, but I missed a toilet in that whole area.
  • We walked for hours and missed a toilet along the way.
  • The park was beautiful, but it missed a toilet facility for visitors.


  • lack a toilet
  • not have a toilet
  • be without a toilet
  • need a toilet
  • require a toilet

miss the toilet

This phrase is correct and commonly used when someone fails to hit the toilet with something like urine or vomit.

This phrase is used when someone fails to hit the toilet with something like urine or vomit. It implies that the intended target was the toilet, but it was not successfully reached.


  • He was so drunk that he missed the toilet and made a mess on the floor.
  • I accidentally missed the toilet bowl and had to clean up the bathroom.
  • The child missed the toilet when he was learning to aim properly.


  • fail to hit the toilet
  • not make it to the toilet
  • not reach the toilet
  • not land in the toilet
  • not hit the toilet
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Miss the toilet' is commonly used when someone fails to hit the toilet with something like urine or vomit. 'Miss a toilet' is used when referring to the absence of a toilet in a particular location.

Last Updated: March 25, 2024

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