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japanese vs english

Both 'Japanese' and 'English' are correct terms used to refer to languages. They are not comparable as they represent different languages.

Last updated: March 20, 2024 • 940 views


The term 'Japanese' is correct when referring to the language spoken in Japan.

Use 'Japanese' when talking about the language, culture, or people of Japan.


  • I am learning Japanese.
  • Japanese cuisine is delicious.
  • Japanese is an East Asian language spoken by about 125 million speakers, primarily in Japan, where it is the national language. It is a member of the Japonic (or Japanese-Ryukyuan) language family, whose relation to other language ...
  • As the first installment in Japanese-Online's Japanese lessons, we begin by covering the foundations speaking and reading Japanese, such as the basics of Hiragana (ひらがな), Katakana (カタカナ) and kanji (漢字); how to write and pronounce ...
  • Eastern Japanese, Western Japanese, Zu-zu-ben. Possibly related to Korean [ kor]. Kagoshima dialect is 84% cognate with Tokyo dialect. Zu-zu-ben dialects unintelligible to other Japanese, and dying out as standard Tokyo Japanese takes ...
  • Kanji Lessons - Japanese writing systems · aiueo - ... Japanese has an open- syllable sound pattern, meaning that most syllables end in a vowel. Kadomatsu - Gallo ... Learn basic Japanese language vocabulary for vegetables with audio files.


  • Japanese language
  • Japanese culture
  • Japanese people
  • Japanese cuisine
  • Japanese tradition


The term 'English' is correct when referring to the language spoken in England or as a global language.

Use 'English' when talking about the language, literature, or people of England, or when referring to the global language widely spoken.


  • English is spoken in many countries.
  • She speaks English fluently.
  • Katsuko is at the head of her class in english.
  • CD with Software and documentation (english)
  • Those in first class are English and Irish.
  • Let the English mourn its loss.
  • No, dating your English teacher is extreme.
  • Please click here to download the english version of the press release.
  • Just to find my English book.
  • An English muffin with nooks and crannies.
  • The English version should be somewhere.
  • Mr. Hitchcock was a perfect English gentleman.
  • Not in English cricket, anyway.
  • I used inappropriate language in English class.
  • Just finished my English homework with Anne.
  • We understand that you teach the English.
  • Members of the English contingent are leaving.
  • Someone's crushing on her English teacher.
  • Today held no glory for English law.
  • A fancy English Humber Hawk with leather seats.
  • This guy really likes scoring tries against the English...
  • The patron saint of English booksellers.


  • English language
  • English literature
  • English people
  • English culture
  • English tradition

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