Which is correct:
"incited to violence" or "incite"?

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incited to violence

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to describe someone who has been encouraged or provoked to commit violent acts.

This phrase is used to describe individuals who have been influenced or provoked to engage in violent behavior by external factors or individuals.


  • The extremist group incited the crowd to violence.
  • He was incited to violence by the constant bullying.
  • The hate speech incited the protesters to violence.
  • The propaganda incited the soldiers to violence.
  • The radical leader incited his followers to violence.


  • encouraged to violence
  • provoked to violence
  • stimulated to violence
  • prompted to violence
  • instigated to violence


This phrase is correct and commonly used in English as a verb to describe the action of encouraging or provoking someone to do something, including violence.

This verb is used to indicate the act of encouraging or provoking someone to engage in a particular action, often with negative connotations such as violence or rebellion.


  • The speaker tried to incite the audience to riot.
  • Her words incited the workers to strike.
  • The propaganda was designed to incite hatred.
  • The article incited a debate on social media.
  • The film incited controversy among viewers.


  • encourage
  • provoke
  • stimulate
  • prompt
  • instigate
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Incited to violence' is used to describe someone who has been encouraged or provoked to commit violent acts, while 'incite' is a verb used to describe the action of encouraging or provoking someone to do something, including violence.

Last updated: March 17, 2024

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