in tv show or on tv show?

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in tv show

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when referring to being a part of the show or the content of the show itself.

Use "in TV show" when talking about being a part of the show or the content of the show itself. For example, "The main character in the TV show is very talented."


  • There is a lot of drama in that TV show.
  • The plot in the TV show is very intriguing.
  • The actors in the TV show are very talented.
  • I love the music in that TV show.
  • The humor in the TV show is fantastic.


  • in the TV show
  • on the TV show
  • of the TV show
  • from the TV show
  • about the TV show

on tv show

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when referring to appearing as a guest or performer on the show.

Use "on TV show" when talking about appearing as a guest or performer on the show. For example, "She will be on the TV show as a special guest."


  • He will be on the TV show next week.
  • She appeared on the TV show last night.
  • They will perform on the TV show.
  • I saw him on the TV show yesterday.
  • She was a guest on the TV show.


  • on the TV show
  • appearing on the TV show
  • guest on the TV show
  • performing on the TV show
  • participating on the TV show
Both "in TV show" and "on TV show" are commonly used prepositions in English, but they are used in different contexts. "In TV show" is used when referring to being a part of the show or the content of the show itself. On the other hand, "on TV show" is used when referring to appearing as a guest or performer on the show.

Last updated: March 25, 2024

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