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If i could not vs if i cannot

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'If I could not' is used to express a hypothetical situation in the past or present, while 'if I cannot' is used to express a current inability or impossibility. They are not directly comparable as they serve different purposes.

Last updated: March 22, 2024 • 1347 views

If i could not

This phrase is correct and commonly used to express a hypothetical situation in the past or present.

This phrase is used to talk about a situation that is imagined or hypothetical, indicating a possibility that did not or may not happen.


  • If I could not swim, I would have drowned.
  • If I could not speak English, I would have struggled during the trip.
  • But if I could not trust my closest friend, How can I trust anyone who serves me?
  • In my loneliness, I decided that if I could not inspire love, which was my deepest hope,... ...I would instead cause fear!
  • 'And if I could not grasp it then, I felt its heartbeat, 'which was love.'
  • If I could not do so as his priest, I would do so as his soldier.
  • If I could not take the staff to the Music Hall, I believe I would seek to bring the Music Hall to them.
  • There were debts, prison if I could not pay, and I could not.
  • As the Genpou family butler, what would I do if I could not accomplish something of this level?
  • As the Genpou family butler, what would I do if I could not accomplish something of this level?
  • If I could not seduce the publisher,
  • If I could not impress in his eyes your figure as a brave warrior, I unnecessarily lost his right leg on the battlefield.
  • I came to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.


  • if I were unable to
  • if I were not able to

if i cannot

This phrase is correct and commonly used to express a current inability or impossibility.

This phrase is used to talk about a current inability or impossibility, indicating something that is not possible at the moment.


  • If I cannot find my keys, I will be late for work.
  • If I cannot attend the meeting, I will send my colleague in my place.
  • ~ If I cannot buy the flour to...
  • If I cannot win your sympathy, then maybe...
  • Even if I cannot share it.
  • Agent Jareau, your entire team is on the line if I cannot reconcile an adequate account of Agent Hotchner's investigation into George Foyet.
  • How shall I survive if I cannot marry?
  • That is why I thought, even if I cannot bear children it's fine as long as I can attain immortality.
  • Even if I cannot take the rest of the body...
  • My powers mean nothing if I cannot save her.
  • If I cannot regain what has been taken from me, then Steerforth shall at least be publicly disgraced.
  • If I cannot depend on you to be silent, so be it, old friend.
  • If I cannot stay, then I'll go out in style.
  • Fine, if I cannot come up with one hundred thousand, ...you may take my head.
  • If I cannot have his body to keep me alive... I will take yours.
  • If I cannot serve Your Grace in this great matter of the Queen.
  • Mrs Strange, if I cannot say it to you, I must show it.
  • If I cannot talk you out of leaving, then you should take this with you.
  • If I cannot fly, let me sing.
  • Not if I cannot get a seat on the flight I want.
  • But if I cannot preach Rational Dress here, I cannot preach it anywhere.
  • If I cannot be with you, then I pray you will hear my voice in the music that I send.


  • if I am unable to
  • if I am not able to

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