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have a lot of money vs have lot of money

The correct phrase is "have a lot of money." The phrase "have lot of money" is incorrect in English. The word "a" is necessary before "lot" to indicate an unspecified large quantity.

Last updated: March 20, 2024 • 2011 views

have a lot of money

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to indicate that someone possesses a large amount of money.


  • She seems to have a lot of money.
  • I wish I had a lot of money.
  • They have a lot of money saved up.
  • Do you have a lot of money to spend?
  • He claims to have a lot of money in the bank.
  • Dec 7, 2014 ... I Am Rich Song (I Have a Lot of Money) [Official YOLO Video]. JustVidman. SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe 266,443266K. Loading.
  • Dec 8, 2014 ... JustVidman - I Am Rich Song (I Have a Lot of Money) [Official YOLO Video] [1 HOUR]. Mobius Kopy ツ. SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe
  • Oct 13, 2014 ... JustVidman - I Am Rich - I Have A Lot of Money - 10 MIN ... I have a lot of money, You don't have a lot of money, Yeah, I'm better than you, Yeah ...
  • May 14, 2013 ... "We have a lot of money" is correct. "a lot" is the correct phrase, not simply "lot". " lot" is a singular noun, so it usually requires a determiner - in ...

have lot of money

This phrase is incorrect in English.

  • May 14, 2013 ... 1) We have lot of money. 2) We have a lot of money. Which is correct? I say "we have lot of money." Google says "we have a lot of money" is ...
  • Jan 2, 2014 ... “We have lot of money” or “We have a lot of money” · 1 · Lots vs. Large Amounts vs. Great Deal Of · 0 · There are a lot of goods in this shop.
  • It is better to have lot of money or family? UpdateCancel. Answer Wiki. 7 Answers . Josin Hippolitus, Mentor, Assistant Professor at SRM University, India.
  • Why do you think some people are less fortunate while some have lot of money around? Lack of proper education, lack of opportunities to earn a living. etc.


  • have a lot of money
  • possess a large sum of money
  • be wealthy
  • have a substantial amount of money
  • have a considerable amount of money

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