Which is correct:
"full of exposure" or "full of experience "?

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full of exposure

'Full of exposure' is not a common or correct phrase in English.

This phrase is not used in English. If you want to convey that someone has a lot of knowledge or skill in a particular area, you should use 'full of experience' instead.


  • full of experience
  • experienced
  • knowledgeable
  • skilled
  • well-versed

full of experience

'Full of experience' is the correct phrase to use when describing someone who has a lot of knowledge or skill in a particular area.

This phrase is commonly used to indicate that someone has a wealth of experience in a specific field or activity.


  • experienced
  • knowledgeable
  • skilled
  • well-versed
  • proficient
The correct phrase is 'full of experience'. 'Full of exposure' is not a common or correct phrase in English. 'Full of experience' is the appropriate way to express having a lot of knowledge or skill in a particular area.

Last updated: April 01, 2024

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