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create a mechanism vs make a mechanism

Both 'create a mechanism' and 'make a mechanism' are correct phrases in English. They can be used interchangeably depending on the context. 'Create a mechanism' may imply a more detailed or complex process of designing and constructing a mechanism, while 'make a mechanism' is a simpler and more straightforward way of expressing the action.

Last updated: March 30, 2024 • 1015 views

create a mechanism

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when referring to the process of designing, constructing, or developing a mechanism from scratch.


  • The engineers were able to create a mechanism that improved the efficiency of the machine.
  • The team worked together to create a mechanism for opening the door automatically.
  • It is appropriate to create a mechanism to ensure the effective enforcement of this Regulation.
  • Will the Commission create a mechanism for informing farmers on new findings published in specialist journals?
  • It needs to create a mechanism to compensate them rapidly for the massive negative impact of this crisis, which is already jeopardising the survival of many farms.
  • The proposal for a Council Regulation presented to us today aims to create a mechanism whereby the Commission can intervene to require the Member States to remove certain internal obstacles to trade.
  • Subject: Proposal to create a mechanism to facilitate young entrepreneurs' access to the credit market
  • After the Argentine crisis, President George W. Bush's administration vetoed proposals to create a mechanism for sovereign-debt restructuring.
  • All countries using the common currency have therefore agreed to create a mechanism enabling them to resolve existing financial problems and also to prevent these in the future.
  • The protection of human health is one of the European Union's priority objectives and we must therefore create a mechanism to adequately and effectively ensure safety in the event of a nuclear or radiological accident.
  • On the contrary, I read that the parties agree to create a mechanism to implement the roadmap plan, which is to be controlled by the USA.
  • In addition to measures to prevent unemployment, we must create a mechanism to give renewed impetus to the European Union's economic growth.
  • We must therefore create a mechanism to effectively transmit documents, especially in emergency cases, such as when a protected person needs hospital treatment while temporarily outside of their country of origin.
  • It also stressed the importance of an effective African contribution to such a force and called on the Security Council and the international community to create a mechanism which will ensure this.
  • At the same time that the WTO starts to draft an agreement on investment, which would safeguard the rights of international investors, we think we should also create a mechanism to ensure that investors act responsibly.
  • It is also necessary to create a mechanism encouraging the operators to return the licences to the issuing agency after their date of expiry so that the unused quantities can be reused and so that the Commission is aware of them.
  • On the other hand, it is not appropriate to create a mechanism which would have the immediate result of taking away from Member States their competence with regard to the transfer or exchange of quotas allocated to them under the principle of 'relative stability'.
  • A better approach would be to create a mechanism for orchestrating orderly sovereign default, both to minimize damage when crises do occur, and to discourage lenders from assuming that taxpayers' money will solve all major problems.
  • However, modifying the Treaty in the format envisaged at the moment could create a mechanism devoted exclusively to a limited number of Member does not allow, for example, Member States which do not have the euro to be included under its remit.
  • I would, however, reiterate that we should create a mechanism which will prevent a recurrence of the various misfortunes that occurred in relation to the Hungarian crisis, and which has done nothing to increase the prestige of the European Union in Central and Eastern Europe.
  • The European Commission, acting in coordination with the bodies that monitor the markets of the Member States, should create a mechanism for monitoring the oil market in order to reduce speculation on the oil market, which lacks transparency.
  • The second objective is to create a mechanism for a direct, rapid and coordinated Community response to health threats.


  • design a mechanism
  • develop a mechanism
  • construct a mechanism
  • build a mechanism
  • formulate a mechanism

make a mechanism

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when referring to the action of producing or assembling a mechanism.


  • The technician will make a mechanism to control the temperature of the room.
  • She needed to make a mechanism for the toy to move.
  • First, Microsoft agreed to make available a mechanism in Windows within the European Economic Area (EEA) that enables OEMs and users to turn Internet Explorer off and on.
  • We said from the beginning that we thought it was possible to make a permanent mechanism without a revision of the Treaty.
  • Due to the length and cost of traditional judicial procedures, alternative dispute settlement mechanisms make a valuable contribution to solving conflicts arising from cross-border activities.
  • makes payments to a funding mechanism, or
  • Therefore, it is necessary to establish a mechanism to make such harmonisation measures legally binding in the European Community.
  • It doesn't take much to trip a few electronic safety mechanisms and make a vehicle impossible to start.
  • The way in which we will introduce the European stability mechanism will make a large contribution to answering this question.
  • Far from being a bail-out, your IMF-EU intervention in Ireland is a mechanism to make the Irish taxpayers vassals to the European banks.
  • It is a mechanism to make working class people throughout Europe pay for the crisis of a broken financial system and a crisis-ridden European capitalism.
  • These are necessary to make the mechanisms work effectively because markets can only work efficiently in a solid institutional framework.
  • An intricate neurological protection mechanism which makes us forget.
  • An intricate neurological protection mechanism which makes us forget.
  • The Union is being called on to make the mechanism in question operational with all the means at its disposal.
  • We should make cooperation mechanisms more efficient at various levels and adapt the regulatory criteria to the current environmental and social situation.
  • For this reason, the European Commission should have the logistical capacity and adequate resources to make feedback mechanisms genuinely operational and to keep auditing procedures properly under review.
  • However, for some cereals, the introduction of additional mechanisms makes it necessary to adopt derogations.
  • It is important to make available emergency mechanisms that will enable rapid intervention to aid the affected populations.
  • This makes the transfer mechanism proposed by the French authorities inapplicable.
  • The committee believes that the Commission's proposal is to be welcomed, and considers that the implementation of the proposed mechanism will make a positive contribution to the adoption of resolutions in the legal field.
  • Your rapporteur believes that the Commission's proposal is to be welcomed, and considers that the implementation of the proposed mechanism will make a positive contribution to the adoption of resolutions in the legal field.


  • assemble a mechanism
  • produce a mechanism
  • fabricate a mechanism
  • put together a mechanism
  • manufacture a mechanism

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