at their speed or up to speed?

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at their speed

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to refer to the specific speed of someone or something.

This phrase is used to describe the speed at which someone or something is moving or operating. It indicates the particular pace or rate of an action.


  • The cheetah was running at their speed, effortlessly overtaking the other animals.
  • The new car was designed to operate at their speed, ensuring optimal performance.
  • Each runner was asked to run at their speed during the race.

up to speed

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate being fully informed or knowledgeable about a particular topic or situation.

This phrase is used to describe someone who has acquired the necessary knowledge or skills to function effectively in a given situation. It implies being at the required level of understanding or proficiency.


  • After attending the training sessions, she was finally up to speed on the new software.
  • He quickly read the briefing documents to get up to speed before the meeting.
  • The new employee worked hard to get up to speed with the company's procedures.
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'At their speed' is used to refer to the specific speed of someone or something, while 'up to speed' is used to indicate being fully informed or knowledgeable about a particular topic or situation.

Last updated: March 29, 2024

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