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I saw a doctor vs I consulted a doctor

Both phrases are correct, but they convey slightly different meanings. 'I saw a doctor' is a more general statement indicating that you visited a doctor, while 'I consulted a doctor' implies that you sought advice or guidance from the doctor. The choice between the two depends on the context and the specific action you want to convey.

Last updated: March 28, 2024 • 12983 views

I saw a doctor

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate that you visited a doctor.

This phrase is used to convey the simple action of visiting a doctor for any reason.


  • I saw a doctor for my annual check-up.
  • She saw a doctor about her persistent cough.
  • He saw a doctor after the accident.
  • They saw a doctor for their child's vaccination.
  • We saw a doctor at the clinic.
  • Jan 5, 2015 ... Synonym for I saw a doctor this morning. "I went to the doctors" to me, this sounds like you went to the clinic, but you're not making it ...
  • Jan 5, 2021 ... I Saw a Doctor Who Voices Conspiracy Theories. What Should I Do? Share full article.
  • Jan 5, 2015 ... Synonym for I saw a doctor this morning. I most commonly use 'I went to the doctors this morning.' as it implies that I actually met with a ...
  • Oct 25, 2023 ... I saw a doctor and he diagnosed me in 30 minutes? General Question/Discussion. It has never come up that i have adhd at any doctor's ...
  • Oct 1, 2019 ... I mentioned this to my trainer, who refused to train me until I saw a doctor. When I saw my family doctor he thought it might be a pulled ...
  • Aug 26, 2019 ... I saw a doctor for cough – it went away in another 5-6 days after I had ascoril syrup and monocef 200 tab. On 20th day i experienced a dull ...
  • Nov 19, 2018 ... I saw a doctor today, and when I asked his name, he told me "Joe." Is it common for doctors to introduce themselves with only their first ...
  • Oct 26, 2021 ... My husband and I were about to travel to Europe, so I saw a doctor. We decided that I was probably dealing with a longer bout of the stomach ...
  • Aug 26, 2020 ... A doctor's office I haven't been to since 2017 sent me a $700 bill saying I saw a doctor I have never met before 6 times in 2020.
  • Jan 12, 2018 ... This sort of stuff would happen openly in most clinics. It wasn't the first, nor the last, time I saw a doctor be bribed or shamelessly lie to a ...


  • I visited a doctor
  • I went to see a doctor
  • I went to a doctor
  • I went to the doctor
  • I went for a doctor's appointment

I consulted a doctor

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate seeking advice or guidance from a doctor.

This phrase is used when you want to emphasize that you sought professional advice or guidance from a doctor.


  • She consulted a doctor about her back pain.
  • He consulted a doctor before making a decision.
  • They consulted a doctor for a second opinion.
  • We consulted a doctor for medical advice.
  • I consulted a doctor regarding my health concerns.
  • Mar 27, 2023 ... I came home immediately and took the PEP pill within 2 hours. I consulted a doctor and he told me to continue the PEP till the initial 28 days ...
  • Jun 28, 2018 ... Three times, I consulted a doctor who told me the only thing that would prevent my going bald was finishing it. For many years, I was not ...
  • My right knee began to swell. I consulted a doctor at another hospital, who soon performed orthoscopic surgery. Not only did it not improve the situation, but ...
  • Nov 20, 2021 ... The doctor recommended PEP with TDF 300 mg, emitricitabine 200mg, efivarenz 600mg. I took the first dose after 20 hours of suspected exposure and could not ...
  • Aug 31, 2014 ... ... I consulted a doctor. He examined my ear with an otoscope and said ... That problem persisted and was no longer responding to my attempts to clear ...
  • Jan 14, 2019 ... Whilst I consulted a doctor about those outward manifestations, I couldn't broach what was going on inside. I'd often drift off to sleep ...
  • Jan 27, 2015 ... I consulted a doctor and he said I didn't need any medicine. Should I go for rabies shots? All related (72).
  • These were fibroids invading my body and interrupting my peace. I consulted a doctor to tell me what I already knew.
  • Jul 20, 2015 ... I'm suffering psoriasis. I consulted a doctor, she is asking 40k for the treatment. Is it worth it or is it too costly?
  • Jun 30, 2023 ... I consulted a doctor and was advised to get a beta hCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormone produced by the placenta during pregnancy) ...


  • I sought advice from a doctor
  • I asked a doctor for guidance
  • I sought a doctor's opinion
  • I sought medical advice from a doctor
  • I sought a doctor's counsel

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