Which is correct:
"will still be" or "still will be"?

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will still be

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to indicate that something will continue to be in a certain state or condition in the future.


  • He will still be working on the project tomorrow.
  • The restaurant will still be open for business during the holidays.
  • I will still be living in this city next year.


  • will continue to be
  • will remain
  • will stay

still will be

This phrase is correct but less commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to emphasize the adverb "still" and can be used for stylistic purposes.


  • Despite the challenges, he still will be pursuing his dreams.
  • Even after all these years, she still will be waiting for him.
  • No matter what happens, they still will be together.


  • will be still
  • will be yet
  • will be even
Both "will still be" and "still will be" are correct constructions in English. The placement of the adverb "still" can vary depending on the emphasis the speaker wants to convey. In general, the more common and natural order is "will still be".

Last updated: February 16, 2024

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