Which one is correct?
"you have shown the meaning" or "you have defined the meaning"?

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you have shown the meaning

This phrase is correct and can be used when referring to demonstrating or illustrating the meaning of something.

This phrase is used when someone has visually or tangibly demonstrated the meaning of something, making it clear through actions or examples.


  • Through his artwork, the artist has shown the meaning of resilience.
  • The experiment results have shown the meaning of the scientific concept.


  • you have demonstrated the meaning
  • you have illustrated the meaning
  • you have depicted the meaning
  • you have exemplified the meaning
  • you have clarified the meaning

you have defined the meaning

This phrase is also correct and is used when explicitly stating or explaining the meaning of something.

This phrase is appropriate when someone has provided a clear and explicit explanation of the meaning of something.


  • In the dictionary, the word is defined as 'to make clear.'
  • The teacher defined the meaning of the poem for the students.


  • you have explained the meaning
  • you have described the meaning
  • you have interpreted the meaning
  • you have elucidated the meaning
  • you have expounded on the meaning
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'You have shown the meaning' implies that the meaning was demonstrated or illustrated, while 'you have defined the meaning' suggests that the meaning was explicitly stated or explained.

Last Updated: March 15, 2024

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