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wsn's infrastructure vs wsn infrastructure

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "WSN's infrastructure" refers to the infrastructure belonging to a specific WSN (Wireless Sensor Network), while "WSN infrastructure" is a more general reference to the infrastructure used in WSNs in general.

Last updated: March 25, 2024 • 659 views

wsn's infrastructure

This phrase is correct and commonly used to refer to the infrastructure belonging to a specific WSN (Wireless Sensor Network).

Use "WSN's infrastructure" when you want to specify that the infrastructure belongs to a particular Wireless Sensor Network.


  • The WSN's infrastructure includes sensor nodes, sink nodes, and communication protocols.
  • Infrastructure, infrastructure, infrastructure and discipline.
  • The infrastructure measures implemented by Germany do not constitute dedicated infrastructure for Propapier PM2 GmbH.
  • Mr President-in-Office, you mentioned infrastructure projects.
  • ISPA co-finances transport and environment infrastructure.
  • Investment in railway infrastructure is necessary and infrastructure charging schemes should provide incentives for infrastructure managers to make appropriate investments economically attractive.
  • The new infrastructure standard would ensure adequate infrastructure conditions also in case of failure of the single largest infrastructure.
  • Investment in railway infrastructure is necessary and infrastructure charging schemes should provide incentives for infrastructure managers to make appropriate investments economically attractive.
  • D'Anconia has invested billions developing their infrastructure.
  • Jobs, infrastructure, deficit reduction.
  • This includes all infrastructure, equipment and materials.
  • Capacity of supported childcare or education infrastructure
  • decision making related to infrastructure charging,
  • Tagging is a cooperative infrastructure answer to classification.
  • The country's developing the infrastructure to enrich uranium.
  • Compare this to normal infrastructure investments.
  • Public private partnerships concentrating their efforts on infrastructure construction and housing.
  • Pre-financing is vital to new infrastructure development.
  • Presently regulatory bodies have difficulties getting the right information from infrastructure managers.
  • Congestion costs shall be considered included in the infrastructure toll charge.
  • Critical Infrastructure Protection information exchange should therefore be encouraged.


  • The infrastructure of the WSN

wsn infrastructure

This phrase is correct and commonly used to refer to the general infrastructure used in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs).

Use "WSN infrastructure" when discussing the infrastructure common to Wireless Sensor Networks in general.


  • The development of WSN infrastructure has led to advancements in various fields.


  • Wireless Sensor Network infrastructure

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