Which one is correct?
"would unexpectedly" or "unexpectedly would"?

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would unexpectedly

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to describe a hypothetical or imagined situation.

This phrase is used to express a hypothetical or imagined action that is unexpected. It is often used in storytelling or when discussing potential outcomes.


  • He would unexpectedly show up at her doorstep every Friday evening.
  • She would unexpectedly burst into tears whenever she heard that song.
  • The old man would unexpectedly start telling stories from his youth.
  • The cat would unexpectedly jump out from behind the couch.
  • The machine would unexpectedly stop working for no apparent reason.


  • might unexpectedly
  • could unexpectedly
  • should unexpectedly
  • will unexpectedly
  • can unexpectedly

unexpectedly would

This phrase is correct and used to emphasize the unexpected nature of an action or event.

This phrase is used to highlight the unexpected aspect of an action or event. It is often used to create emphasis on the element of surprise.


  • Unexpectedly, he would burst into laughter in the middle of a serious conversation.
  • She unexpectedly would leave work early without any explanation.
  • The car unexpectedly would break down on the highway.
  • The storm unexpectedly would hit the coastal town with full force.
  • The teacher unexpectedly would cancel the exam at the last minute.


  • would suddenly
  • would surprisingly
  • would abruptly
  • would out of the blue
  • would without warning
Both "would unexpectedly" and "unexpectedly would" are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "Would unexpectedly" is more commonly used to describe a hypothetical or imagined situation, while "unexpectedly would" is used to emphasize the unexpected nature of an action or event.

Last Updated: March 31, 2024

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