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would like ask you to vs would like to ask you to

Both phrases are correct, but "would like to ask you to" is more commonly used in English. The addition of "to" after "like" is the standard structure when expressing a desire or intention to do something.

Last updated: March 15, 2024 • 6289 views

would like ask you to

This phrase is correct but less common in English.

This phrase is a valid construction, but it is less commonly used compared to the alternative. It may sound slightly awkward or less natural to native speakers.
  • I would like ask you to post a prayer request for families in Ogle C...ounty, Dekalb County, and Boone County. The area was hit by a F4 tornado this evening.
  • Nov 21, 2014 ... Then, we would like ask you to send us the filled out online form that you find below on this page until 5 March 2015. We need this information ...
  • Apr 2, 2015 ... If you're interested in, please let me know :) and I would like ask you to introduce yourself. Thank you! do NOT contact me with unsolicited ...
  • I would like ask you to live with us this way during your stay. It might be difficult for you at the beginning, but it might be an adventure worth playing with.


  • would like to ask you to

would like to ask you to

This phrase is the more common and standard way to express a desire or intention to ask someone to do something.

This phrase is the standard and more commonly used structure when expressing a desire or intention to ask someone to do something. It is considered more natural and correct in English.
  • I would ask you to.. vs I would like to ask you to · 3 · What is the difference between 'will' and 'would' in question form? 0 · Is "would you like to .
  • Hello I am writing a formal letter , introducing a college, and I would like to make a polite request. can i say "I would like to ask you to ...
  • Sep 2, 2013 ... ... can take either an infinitive complement (I would like to ask you to take out the garbage) or an embedded question complement, as here.
  • We would like to ask you to read the background information before we call you and then collect your reflections and remarks during the interview, ...
  • Jan 20, 2021 ... And, in my first act as President, I would like to ask you to join me in a moment of silent prayer to remember all those we lost this past ...
  • English In this connection, I would like to ask you to reflect on the following questions. volume_up more_vert. open_in_new Link to source; warning Request ...
  • Dec 13, 2012 - Free and Funny Weddings Ecard: I would like to ask you to be my bridesmaid with the understanding that you will not attempt to look sexier ...
  • We would like to ask you to take a moment and fill out a questionnaire about the submission process. We strive to produce quality service and results, ...
  • Feb 6, 1997 ... So I would like to ask you to think about who is in the breach, if we're supposed to be repairers of the breach.

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