Which one is correct?
"will be trying" or "would be trying"?

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will be trying

This phrase is correct and commonly used to talk about a definite future action.

Use "will be trying" to describe an action that is planned or expected to happen in the future.


  • I will be trying my best to complete the task on time.
  • They will be trying out the new recipe for dinner tonight.


  • will try
  • will attempt
  • will endeavor
  • will make an effort
  • will strive

would be trying

This phrase is correct and commonly used to talk about hypothetical or imagined situations in the past or future.

Use "would be trying" to describe an action that was or would have been attempted in a hypothetical or imagined situation.


  • If I had known earlier, I would be trying to fix it now.
  • She said she would be trying to finish the project by tomorrow.


  • could be trying
  • might be trying
  • should be trying
  • was trying
  • will have been trying
Both "would be trying" and "will be trying" are correct verb forms, but they are used in different contexts. "Would be trying" is used to talk about a hypothetical or imagined situation in the past or future, while "will be trying" is used to talk about a definite future action. The choice between the two depends on the context and the intended meaning.

Last Updated: March 17, 2024

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