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woke vs wake

Both 'woke' and 'wake' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Wake' is a verb that means to emerge or cause someone to emerge from a state of sleep. 'Woke' is the past tense of 'wake' and is used to indicate that someone has awakened from sleep or become aware of a social or political issue.

Last updated: March 24, 2024 • 1142 views


The word 'woke' is the past tense of 'wake' and is commonly used to indicate that someone has become aware of social or political issues.

Use 'woke' as the past tense of 'wake' when referring to someone who has become aware of social or political issues. For example, 'She woke up to the realities of social injustice.'


  • He woke up to the importance of environmental conservation.
  • After the workshop, she became more woke about gender equality.
  • They finally woke up to the truth about the company's unethical practices.
  • The documentary helped many viewers become more woke about the impact of climate change.
  • She woke up to the fact that she had been misled by the media.
  • My champion easily woke... the sleeping beauty.
  • The person to woke Alice up, dreamt again.
  • Edwina woke me and there was music playing.
  • I dreamt that I woke from a deep slumber.
  • He screamed out so loud, woke us all up.
  • The thing that woke the Machine.
  • You weren't there so he woke me.
  • You woke earlier than i expected.
  • I woke suddenly with a pain.
  • They woke to find Emily missing.
  • I woke expecting my wife beside me.
  • You woke the dragon, Charles.
  • When I woke, my people... they were afraid.
  • Until I woke 4 moons past In a land of wolves like myself. No.
  • I decided to clean the house before I woke your father.
  • I think I woke last night.
  • Yes, Mom, you woke me.
  • Kid saying they woke the house up.
  • When I woke, they were like this.
  • CLARKSON: The next morning we woke near the beautiful town of Siena.


  • awakened to
  • became aware of
  • realized
  • became conscious of
  • became enlightened about


The word 'wake' is a verb that means to emerge or cause someone to emerge from a state of sleep.

Use 'wake' as a verb to describe the action of emerging from sleep or causing someone to do so. For example, 'The alarm clock woke me up this morning.'


  • She wakes up early every day to go for a run.
  • The noise from the construction site woke the entire neighborhood.
  • I usually wake up feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep.
  • The smell of coffee always wakes me up in the morning.
  • The baby woke up crying in the middle of the night.
  • Bad idea to wake a sleepwalker.
  • People all around our grandpa, but no one can wake him.
  • Guinevere could wake at any moment.
  • May she wake as kindly in the next world.
  • Time to wake this country up again, McManus.
  • Found something that would wake you up.
  • Well, don't wake him.
  • There are nicer ways to wake a man up, Freckles.
  • I better go wake my mom.
  • Good, I'll go wake the children.
  • I go wake Mamma, she likes new people.
  • Sobbing and moaning to wake the dead.
  • Everyone should live through their own wake.
  • I wake completely destroyed and in agony.
  • Osip, go wash before your brothers wake.
  • Most patients wake within 90 minutes.
  • He carries starlight in his wake.
  • Used to wake screaming, thinking the police were after me.
  • Then we'd better whisper so we don't wake her.
  • Be quiet, you'll wake the child.


  • arouse
  • stir
  • rouse
  • awaken
  • get up

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