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with regards to vs with regards of

The correct phrase is 'with regards to.' 'With regards of' is not a standard English construction.

Last updated: April 01, 2024 • 3255 views

with regards to

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to introduce a topic or subject that is being discussed or considered.


  • With regards to your request, we will get back to you shortly.
  • I have some concerns with regards to the new project proposal.
  • With regards to the upcoming event, we need to finalize the details.
  • She addressed the issue with regards to the budget constraints.
  • With regards to your question, I will provide you with more information.
  • The difficulties through smoking with regards to performance might be skilled afterwards.
  • Innovation with regards to resources (1)
  • Corsica presents strong specialities with regards to demography and economy.
  • Every detail is the result of research and development with regards to comfort, safety and ergonomics.
  • She loves to tease Koko, especially with regards to Yoshiyuki.
  • Bahamas Customs are known to be very strict with regards to this rule.
  • On the contrary. Not even with regards to the MICE activity.
  • Redtop committed to delivering quality service, especially with regards to questions about exporting products to your location.
  • This community is a victim of discrimination, especially with regards to employment, housing and education.
  • Control-Modifying actions with regards to others' measures.Persuasion-Begging others to improve habits or their minds.
  • Bluehost offers its customers a variety of options with regards to technical support.
  • Guys typically don't give much trouble with regards to grooming.
  • This apartment is very badly equipped, especially with regards to the kitchen.
  • The tractors complies with actual prevention rules with regards to components, performances and stability.
  • Your agenda with regards to Kitty.
  • Mr. Choi, I'll take full responsibility with regards to the floor.
  • Less administrative burden with regards to inspections.
  • For that purpose it shall establish a rotation mechanism with regards to those analysts.
  • This would make a difference with regards to the technical requirements for type approval.
  • This document will highlight the main concerns of the Rapporteur with regards to this particular proposal.

with regards of

This phrase is not a standard English construction.

  • With regards of the new stimulating measures, the Fund plans to co-finance the project documentation for Greenfield investments.
  • Consequently, no duty should be imposed with regards of imports of the product concerned produced by that company.
  • National analysts are not optimistic with regards of Serbia having the date set for the commencement of the admission negotiations with the EU by the end of the year, and they remind that the criteria for the association of new members are primarily a political decision.
  • With regard of the preference of tourists, there is not a unique interpretation.
  • This rule applies also to any views expressed, suggestions made or documents presented with regard of the possible settlement of the dispute.
  • Member States should be provided with a certain degree of flexibility with regard of traces of animal protein from the same species.
  • These processes are largely contingent with regard to the site of the DNA sequence alteration and also with regard of the time of the mutagenesis.
  • Stimulating activities and neo-genetics with regard of dermal organisms due to 'action of isoflavones from soy and hops
  • The Commission must implement strict monitoring with regard to distortions of competition.
  • Carry trade should also be taken into account with regards interest of margin.
  • The Commission has not yet received official information with regard to leakage of tritium into the environment.
  • Traces are to be evaluated with regard to safety of the finished product.
  • Is the Commission satisfied with Serbia's conduct with regard to regulation of resettlements and respect for human rights? 3.
  • She Lambert looked forward to seeing more explicitly mentioned in the Commission's programme with regard to quality of jobs and elimination of poorly-paid employment.
  • She Lambert looked forward to seeing more explicitly mentioned in the Commission's programme with regard to quality of jobs and elimination of poorly-paid employment.
  • By adopting this resolution, an overwhelming majority of MEPs (402/36/21) shared the reporter's view with regard to prevention of smoking.
  • I believe that it has more responsibility, in particular, with regard to freedom of movement.
  • No data are available with regard to overdose of Efficib.
  • Another area we began to investigate in 1998 was the Union's role with regard to victims of crime.
  • Carry with regard to couple of seconds and release.


  • with regards to

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