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With God and for God vs Through God and for God

Both phrases are correct, but they have slightly different meanings. 'With God and for God' implies that one is working alongside God and also for His benefit. On the other hand, 'Through God and for God' suggests that one is relying on God's help to achieve something and doing it for His sake.

Last updated: April 01, 2024 • 261 views

With God and for God

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase implies working alongside God and also for His benefit.
  • May Bhagavan bless you with plenty, prosperity, peace and health, with longing for God and yearning for God.
  • None of this works without communion with God, without respect for God and God's presence in the world.
  • That is for God and God alone.
  • Those who take with God another god.
  • Every Christian is asked to be a friend of God and with God's grace, attract his own friends to him.
  • For "he who loves is born of God and knows God, for God is love" (1 Jn 4:7-8).
  • Indeed, in God and with God I even love the person whom I do not even know.
  • This was my first impression: a man who lives with God and in God. I was also impressed by the unprejudiced cordiality with which he made my acquaintance.
  • It is only with God and in God that people can find complete fulfilment and attain the fullness to which they tend from the depths of their hearts.
  • It is precisely this fundamental trait of Dominic's witness that is emphasized: he always spoke with God and of God.
  • O you who believe, do not put yourselves ahead of God and His messenger, but be conscious of God, for God is He Who hears and knows all things.
  • He has been forever God. He is God and is with God.
  • Mother Teresa asked God and God cured him.
  • Our entire journey (being born from God and returning to God as free creatures who live communion with God) is to serve the Church.
  • It is a message of reconciliation with God and between all God's children.
  • And with God, with Christ, with the man who is God and with God who is man, Our Lady arrives.
  • If with God or without God everything changes, it is our duty to re-focus catechesis on God and on how much Christian revelation says about Him, not forgetting that the God of Jesus Christ - as Benedict XVI reminds us - is, together, Agapee Logos.
  • And this is the subject of this Feast. She is blessed because she is united to God, she lives with God and in God.
  • He understood nature as a language in which God speaks to us, in which reality becomes clear, and we can speak of God and with God.
  • The person who turns to God does not become smaller but greater, for through God and with God he becomes great, he becomes divine, he becomes truly himself.


  • with God's help and for His glory

Through God and for God

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase suggests relying on God's help to achieve something and doing it for His sake.
  • Marriage is union in God and through God... .
  • The person who turns to God does not become smaller but greater, for through God and with God he becomes great, he becomes divine, he becomes truly himself.
  • "Human beings can only attain salvation and blessedness-i.e. fellowship with God-through God," added District Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider (France) as he elaborated on the Chief Apostle's thoughts in his contribution to the service.
  • The five, man's littleness, is multiplied by a thousand, through God's completeness. God takes our little and multiplies it with his much. This way our little becomes much for everybody through the mutliplication operated by the celestial Father.
  • The following thought is attributed to saint Augustine: «As we speak to God through prayer, God speaks to us through reading».
  • From the very beginning the Word was with God. Through him God made all things; not one thing in all creation was made without him.
  • Through God and harmony, the artist's modular discourse takes on its true, positive dimension.
  • He, you know, came mighty close, but I think it was the doctors, through God and all of your prayers, that kept him alive and so thank you all for that.
  • Their full reconstruction comes through God.
  • This is how we come to look for God and recognize our need to believe in His righteousness through Jesus Christ, whom He sent for us.
  • Through your vows you make this sacrifice freely, out of love for God and your fellowman, in a spirit of dedication and service.
  • They hear what the Spirit says to them through God's church. As such, the servants of God and His saints must remain within the church that God has permitted them, and they must protect and defend this church.
  • Instead, emphasis should be given to the view of some States, in particular of Central and Eastern Europe, that room should be made for the fundamental human aspirations, for human faith in God and for faith in salvation through God.
  • And you, Fr. Slavko, were able in your life to say affirmatively: "There exist such beings through whom I have fallen in love with God, through whom God has become closer to me, Jesus and Mary."
  • Furthermore, sometimes very lonely and bewildered, they come up against currents of thought which hold that men and women, without the need for God and even opposed to God, achieve fulfilment through technological, political and economic power.
  • Prayer is one of the principal messages of Our Lady, so often repeated, because through prayer, man decides for God and puts God in the centre of his life.
  • I join you in ardent prayer that the clergy, Religious and lay faithful will fully meet the demands of this moment and give shining witness to the Gospel through ever more generous acts of love for God and neighbour.
  • A glimpse of the world through God's eye.
  • It was not through God's will that he survived.
  • It was not through God's will that he survived.


  • by God's grace and for His purpose

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