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will held on vs will be held on

The correct phrase is "will be held on." The verb "held" is in the passive voice, so it requires the auxiliary verb "be" to form the future passive construction. This phrase is commonly used in English to indicate that an event or activity will take place on a specific date.

Last updated: March 19, 2024 • 1940 views

will held on

This phrase is incorrect. The verb "held" should be in the passive voice, requiring the auxiliary verb "be" to form the future passive construction.

Incorrect. The correct phrase is "will be held on."
  • The next online training session will held on September 25 (come and join us — no charge!! — bring your questions). If your agency would like your own online ...
  • Rural Urban Night - will held on Thursday November 26th. Venue:- Mitchell Community Centre Social Hour:- 6:00 - 7:00 pm. Dinner:- 7:00 pm. LikeComment  ...
  • Classes will held on 3rd Floor of Main Building. Registration for January classes begins Monday, December 28, 2015. To register, call 216.623.2980; or call or ...
  • Dec 29, 2015 ... Selhurst Park's first Business Club Lunch of 2016 will held on Thursday 25th February at the stadium, and features guest speaker Ed Warner, ...

will be held on

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate that an event or activity will take place on a specific date.

Correct. Use this phrase to indicate that an event or activity will take place on a specific date.


  • The meeting will be held on Monday.
  • The concert will be held on Friday night.
  • The event will be held on the 15th of June.
  • The ceremony will be held on the school grounds.
  • The festival will be held on the beach.
  • The second iPOPS III tournament will be held on November 26.
  • The challenge will be held on 18-19 September 2009...
  • The next Sechseläuten will be held on April 18, 2016.
  • CIPRA's next annual conference will be held on 25 and 26 May 2018 in Bled, Slovakia.
  • The election will be held on June 3.
  • The presidential and parliamentary elections will be held on May 21st.
  • The Jury meeting will be held on June 2010.
  • The next hearing will be held on 16 January next...
  • The traditional photographic Rally will be held on 31 May.
  • The latest Scottish Parliament general election will be held on May 5th, 2011.
  • The prize-giving ceremony will be held on 15 December during the plenary session in Strasbourg.
  • The inaugural meeting of the European Conference will be held on 12 March in London.
  • The first European Rare Disease Day will be held on February 29th.
  • This year the procession will be held on 21 April.
  • During the first day will be held on interregional inter-style tournament.
  • The presidential elections in Togo, initially planned within the first days of March, will be held on April 15.
  • "Krk Medieval Days" will be held on 6 and 7 August 2013.
  • International ConferenceCartographic Challenges: "Movement, Participation, Risk" will be held on April 23-24, 2009 in Bergamo, Italy.
  • The symposium will be held on January 22-23, 2019 - Sala Principi d'Acaja Palazzo del Rettorato Via Verdi n.
  • The Audition will be held on 25, 26 and May 27 at the auditorium of Scuola Musicale Giuseppe Conte in Genova-Pegli.

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