Which one is correct?
"will be sure to lead you to" or "will be sure to lead to you to"?

will be sure to lead you to

More popular!

39 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • Jul 26, 2012 ... Follow the sounds of swelling gongs, hunting horns, the plucking of harps, the bowing of strings, the chorus of gay laughter & unheard of harmonies, they will be sure to lead you to a celebration not unlike those of distant times ...
  • Mar 30, 2015 ... In Lizzy Chiappy's class you can expect to find your inner athlete and warrior as you push through a powerful practice that will be sure to lead you to your edge. Lizzy encourages her students to go farther then they ever ...
  • Feb 18, 2014 ... Ask for my friend Isis when you visit, who likes to say, “The pearl chooses you,” and will be sure to lead you to your pearl mate. If you're really lucky, jewelry maker, Joaquin Montoya will be in town. His custom diamond and ...
  • Ask her, she has a wealth of knowledge and will be sure to lead you to great spaces to eat, dine or play. I know you'll have a great stay and if you have a minute to spare with Pamela you'll certainly fall in love with her humor and charm.

will be sure to lead to you to

0 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • For longer phrases (4+ words) it's not always possible to find identical examples. Please try again with a shorter phrase.

    For the very best results, we recommend that you submit your full sentence to our Quick Text editing service so a human editor can provide you with the right suggestions.

A complete search of the internet has found that "will be sure to lead you to" is the most popular phrase on the web.

Last Updated: May 13, 2015

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