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which is given by you vs which was given by you

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Which is given by you' is used when referring to something that is currently being given by the person, while 'which was given by you' is used when referring to something that was given by the person in the past.

Last updated: March 25, 2024 • 803 views

which is given by you

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to something that is currently being given by the person.

This phrase is used to indicate that the action of giving is currently being done by the person being referred to.


  • Please provide the information which is given by you.
  • I will take the medicine which is given by you.
  • Convenia contains cefovecin, an antibiotic which is given by injection (under the skin).
  • For that reason I attach great importance to the message which is given by Parliament in its opinion on this proposal.
  • Following this, the usual daily dose of SOMAVERT is 10 mg, which is given by subcutaneous injection (just under the skin).
  • The aid, which is given in the form of grants, is not given by the State with the prospect of seeking a return on its funds.
  • That which is given, it is rendered.
  • Heparin, which is given together with Rapilysin, may also increase bleeding.
  • A blank installation certificate, an example of which is given in Annex VII.
  • Yet the Commission cannot even state the exact amount which is given to these companies.
  • The essential character is given by the fibreboard core.
  • I know there have been improvements in recent years, but we must ensure that the money which is given by the EU goes to where it is supposed to go, so that we can have better opportunities for people right across the European Union.
  • And I shall not forget it... ...nor fail to reward that which is given.
  • For this is my body which is given for you.
  • Your surgeon gave you a terminus paralateral scar which is given to children under the age of 6.
  • ALIMTA is a treatment for malignant pleural mesothelioma, which is given in combination with cisplatin, another anti-cancer medicine, to patients who have not received prior chemotherapy.
  • MabThera is an infusion ("drip") which is given directly into your veins.
  • Rituximab is the medication which is given to you on day 1 or directly before Zevalin treatment (see 3.
  • Locatim is an oral solution produced from colostrum which is given to calves in the first 12 hours of life.
  • Nobivac Bb is a dry substance and solvent that are made up into a suspension, which is given via the nose.
  • Here we see a concern to step up the fight against illegal immigration, which is given greater prominence than in previous programmes.
  • 1. The certificate of authenticity shall be made out on a form, a specimen of which is given in Annex I.


  • which you are giving
  • which you are providing
  • which you are offering
  • which you give
  • which you provide

which was given by you

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to something that was given by the person in the past.

This phrase is used to indicate that the action of giving was done by the person being referred to in the past.


  • The gift which was given by you was very thoughtful.
  • The instructions which were given by you were clear.
  • Which was given to my learned friend yesterday.
  • It forwarded them to Germany, which was given the opportunity to react.
  • Regionalisation should prove effective in conflict prevention, which was given priority in the Cotonou Agreement.
  • The Commission forwarded their respective comments to Denmark, which was given the opportunity to react.
  • These were forwarded to France, which was given the opportunity to react.
  • The comments were transmitted to Greece which was given the opportunity to comment on them.
  • Box 3: the serial number of the underlying certificate which was given by the issuing body or authority in accordance with Article 4(4) of Regulation (EC) No 605/2008.
  • Box 3: the serial number of the underlying certificate which was given by the issuing body or authority in accordance with Article 13(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1235/2008.
  • Shortly afterwards, on 1 December 1999, a Community support plan, which was given a favourable reception by Parliament, was adopted.
  • You have been called here again to receive further information about the story which was given to you last night.
  • On 6 January non-confidential versions of these observations were forwarded to Germany, which was given the opportunity to react.
  • The second point, which was given less of a chance, relates to dangerous substances.
  • Shortly afterwards, on 1 December 1999, a Community support plan, which was given a favourable reception by Parliament, was adopted.
  • The Commission received comments from interested parties and forwarded them to Hungary, which was given the opportunity to react.
  • By letter dated 20 June 2006 the Commission forwarded these comments to Poland, which was given the opportunity to react.
  • The Commission received comments from interested parties. It forwarded them to Belgium by letter of 30 June 1999, which was given the opportunity to react.
  • By letter dated 4 December 2007 (D/54826), the Commission forwarded the observations received to Hungary which was given the opportunity to react.
  • The Commission received comments from interested parties. It forwarded them to Italy, which was given the opportunity to react.
  • All comments received within the initial (Hungarian party) or extended (GRAWE) deadline were forwarded to Austria, which was given the opportunity to react.
  • It forwarded them to Spain, which was given the opportunity to react.


  • which you gave
  • which you provided
  • which you offered
  • which you had given
  • which you had provided

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