Which is correct:
"which is expected to continue and " or "which is expected to continue and further increase"?

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which is expected to continue and

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate that something is anticipated to persist.

This phrase is used to indicate that a certain situation, trend, or behavior is predicted to persist without specifying any change or growth.


  • The current economic growth is expected to continue.
  • The company's success is expected to continue.
  • The rain is expected to continue throughout the week.


  • which is expected to persist
  • which is anticipated to endure

which is expected to continue and further increase

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate that something is anticipated to persist and grow.

This phrase is used to indicate that a certain situation, trend, or behavior is predicted to persist and also experience growth or enhancement.


  • The demand for the product is expected to continue and further increase.
  • The number of visitors to the website is expected to continue and further increase.
  • The temperature is expected to continue rising and further increase next week.


  • which is expected to persist and grow
  • which is anticipated to continue and increase
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. The first phrase 'which is expected to continue' implies that something will persist without specifying any change, while the second phrase 'which is expected to continue and further increase' suggests that not only will something persist, but it will also grow. The choice between the two depends on the level of detail and emphasis you want to convey.

Last updated: March 21, 2024

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