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what the process is vs what the process was

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'What the process is' is used when referring to the current state or description of a process. 'What the process was' is used when talking about the past state or description of a process.

Last updated: March 29, 2024 • 1596 views

what the process is

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to the current state or description of a process.

This phrase is used to inquire about the current state or description of a process. It is asking for information about how the process is currently functioning or what it involves.


  • Can you explain what the process is for submitting a proposal?
  • I'm not sure what the process is for requesting time off.
  • Could you clarify what the process is for onboarding new employees?
  • I can't tell you what the process is.
  • And I wanted to look at what the process is through which people who have those identities come to a good relationship with them.
  • I think all of you here know what the process is now.
  • What stage of the process is the citizens' initiative currently at?
  • Therefore, previous calls for stepping up the efforts aiming to better inform citizens of what the petitions process is all about and what can be achieved when submitting a petition to Parliament are as current as ever.
  • That is surely what the entire integration process is about: the economy and a viable internal market are made to serve more general goals.
  • What is the process of cartography?
  • So, what is the process?
  • That is what the Lisbon process is about and we are falling far short of that at the moment.
  • The next obvious question to ask: What is the process of recovery?
  • What is the process used in appointing members to the Stakeholders Group and what criteria must they satisfy?
  • What is the process of testing and assessment of compliance with such limits?
  • What is the process for monitoring this in relation to coastal development and planning?
  • Whom and how has DG ENVI consulted to create and implement these steps and what is the process of their review?
  • What the Lisbon process means is that the European Union's policies must, of course, enable it to compete, whilst always taking account of considerations of the environment and of sustainability.
  • We are now faced with the problem of ensuring that when we talk about consolidation of liberal democracy in Europe, we mean the whole of continental Europe, because that is what enlargement and the enlargement process is all about.
  • If so, when was the application submitted, and at what stage of the application process is it?
  • What is the process of deepening that we are all in favour of to be like, and why should it just relate to democracy, as the document suggests?
  • What is the process for implementing the decision to the People's Majlis and what progress has been made so far?
  • Can the Commission confirm what service it expects from such a European Arctic Information Centre and what is the process and timescale for selection, bearing in mind the interest shown by the University of Lapland in Finland?


  • what the process involves
  • how the process works
  • what the process entails
  • what the process requires
  • what the process consists of

what the process was

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to the past state or description of a process.

This phrase is used to inquire about the past state or description of a process. It is asking for information about how the process functioned in the past or what it involved at a specific point in time.


  • Can you tell me what the process was for handling customer complaints last year?
  • I'm curious about what the process was for approving expenses before the new system was implemented.
  • Do you remember what the process was for ordering supplies at our old office?
  • Tell me what the immortalization process was like.
  • And so I began to rack my brain, trying to think about, what was the process that I was doing?
  • And so I began to rack my brain, trying to think about, what was the process that I was doing? How was I training folks, and what were the bottlenecks and what were the obstacles to doing it faster and to doing it more efficiently?
  • So the process was extremely positive.
  • I can't tell you what the process is.
  • The process was materially completed on 24 November 2012.
  • But the process was too slow.
  • The process was set in motion by the December agreement.
  • The process was launched a few years ago.
  • And I wanted to look at what the process is through which people who have those identities come to a good relationship with them.
  • I think all of you here know what the process is now.
  • As regards public procurement requirements, UK Government argues that the Commission ought to assume regularity in the selection and negotiation process unless the investigation shows that the process was flawed.
  • In accordance with Community law, the privatisation process was open and fully publicised, and all bidders were treated equally throughout all phases of the process.
  • The process was abandoned long ago because it is dangerous, almost always resulting in the death of the Wraith in question.
  • However, the process was blocked, mainly due to the negative outcome of a referendum on setting up a regional assembly in the Newcastle region.
  • The process was actually settled in a fairly cordial manner and in line with the friendship that has traditionally existed between Portugal and China.
  • He did so reluctantly, because it suggested that the process was a neat series of steps done by discrete groups.
  • The process was invented in 1886 by a couple of 22-year-olds - Hall in the United States and Heroult in France.
  • When the process was handed back to the governments with the Intergovernmental Conference, individual interests and even matters purely of national prestige prevailed in crucial areas.
  • Because I thought the process was,


  • what the process used to be
  • how the process functioned
  • what the process entailed in the past
  • what the process involved previously
  • what the process consisted of before

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